How do you make yourself drink more water?

I, like I'm sure many of you, can not get myself to drink my 8 glasses of water a day. I've tried making it flavored and even buying new water bottles to keep it fun but nothing seems to stick. Any suggestions?


  • I keep a one liter bottle in my hand at all times. It manages to be drank and refilled twice a day.
  • When I used to live in the US I absolutely despised drinking water, so I drowned myself in diet pepsi/coke...
    A truly terrible habit and feeling.

    Since I moved to Germany 3.5 years ago, I discovered that their water is mostly carbonated and from mineral sources and super cheap!

    They have 3 varieties of mineral water: Classic (full on carbonated). medium and still.

    I've become addicted to the classic mineral water and I drink at the very least 2 liters a day (average about 3).

    This is when I realized that the only reason I drank coke was because of the bubbles, not the "flavor".
    I don't remember the last time I had a soda.
  • I keep a case of bottled water in the work fridge and just make myself drink one per hour all morning (I only work on-site in the AM). At home I keep iced tea in the fridge and make sure to have at least two glasses a day. Aside from that I don't worry about it much; we get hydration from all kinds of sources beyond drinking plain water.
  • The way I did it was reading the scientific research that the whole 8 glasses thing was a myth. I drink all sorts of beverages, get plenty of water in my food, and have some water if I feel like it.

  • The great thing about summer is Amish meadow tea. It really is nothing more than fresh mint boiled in water, strained into a fridge container and your sweetner of choice added. I make it several gallons at a time and it pretty much is mostly all we drink all summer long. It's incredibly refreshing.
  • andrikosDE wrote: »
    When I used to live in the US I absolutely despised drinking water, so I drowned myself in diet pepsi/coke...
    A truly terrible habit and feeling.

    Since I moved to Germany 3.5 years ago, I discovered that their water is mostly carbonated and from mineral sources and super cheap!

    They have 3 varieties of mineral water: Classic (full on carbonated). medium and still.

    I've become addicted to the classic mineral water and I drink at the very least 2 liters a day (average about 3).

    This is when I realized that the only reason I drank coke was because of the bubbles, not the "flavor".
    I don't remember the last time I had a soda.

    I missed my daily carbonated water when I lived in the states (I'm from Germany). I was never able to get used to just plain water so I always mixed it with a little bit of apple or cranberry juice. Just recently did I notice that tab water (which is safe to drink straight from the faucet almost everywhere in Germany) is much better for my stomach and doesn't leave me as bloated. Now I always have a huge jug of lemon infused tab water in my fridge. I fill up my 19oz bottle up to 6 times a day. It really helps that it has a straw. For some reason I drink way more out of this bottle than I do if I drink out of a cup or a regular bottle.
  • Get a good 1L water bottle with a straw, I recommend a Camelbak Eddy. Keep it with you and you'll get in the habit of using it. I just drink water subconsciously now. Hit a gallon a day without even thinking about it. Had a hard time drinking water before having a water bottle. You need to get up, find a glass then fill it like 10 times a day, not that easy when you're moving and busy.
  • I keep a bottle of water with me and drink a sip every 5 minutes or something. I'm so used to it that I get thirsty now if I can't drink for a while (which kinda sucks, to be honest).
  • 2 things - on the faucet water filter so never have to mess with buying bottled water (or having the excuse to not drink when they run out), and a 32oz water bottle that stays with me all day.
  • Use a straw. Seriously. I can down 3 cups (as much as my bottle holds) in an hour.
  • My workplace gave us all 16oz tumblers to reduce waste--I set up a recurring reminder on my calendar to drink+refill twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon, so I'm getting 128oz per work day (works out to 1 cup an hour). This way, I not only drink my water but I also remember to get up and walk around a bit during the day (even if it's just down the hall to the water dispenser).
  • I have a straw type water bottle that I keep right next to me on my desk. I use the Aldi's brand of Mio water flavor squiters, I've also liked their indiviual Crystal Lite type packets in the past.
    Whenever I'm hungry, fidgety, bored, or gathering my thoughts, I take a sip. It's become habit now, but there was time when it was difficult. I just had to keep reminding myself, and being conscious about it.
  • I've started doing fruit infused water. Add fruit and water to a bottle the night before and let it infuse overnight...and then add water to the fruit when it is empty throughout the day. Its not as strong, but still flavored.