Views on corn?



  • ever really looked at the difference between corn fed and grass fed beef? Never eat corn fed again. so as for corn...
  • My views on corn?

    Jersey Silver Queen or gtfo.
  • jpaulie wrote: »
    ever really looked at the difference between corn fed and grass fed beef? Never eat corn fed again. so as for corn...

    One has more fat and so it tastes better, I think. I saw a thing.
  • My views on corn?

    Jersey Silver Queen or gtfo.

    Silver queen is awesome!
  • miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    Well, that's hardly the corn's fault. We bred it to be like that. And it's delicious (esp. with some butter melted on it!). But yup, come the zombie apocalypse that stuff is a goner without people planting it, so get it while you can folks!!
  • miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    You make corn sound like a sentient being with malicious intent.
    It's just corn.
  • emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    You make corn sound like a sentient being with malicious intent.
    It's just corn.

    Evil, evil corn. Mwahahahaha.
  • Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    You make corn sound like a sentient being with malicious intent.
    It's just corn.

    Evil, evil corn. Mwahahahaha.

    Google image search: evil corn

    Quite a few images from that result...mostly from GMO/HFCS fearmongers. Poor corn.
  • I have heard mixed about corn too. What I have learned fairly recently, that makes the most sense to me, is I would count corn as your starch, not your veggie. Just be mindful of that. It helped me considerably, because I love corn, especially in the summer.
  • IKR?? It gets such a bad rap, but it's delicious. Also, no popcorn without corn. So many mfp threads require popcorn.
  • corn is won't kill you. You could eat so much worse...mmmm corn :smile:
  • emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    You make corn sound like a sentient being with malicious intent.
    It's just corn.

    Nah, I didn't. That's just your interpretation. You're just human. Corn is a grass.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Corn is yummy, but it doesn't make it to my plate very often, either. Just doesn't fit my macros well, and have to give up other things to make it work.

    Nothing even remotely wrong with leaving it off of your regular menu....
  • miriamtob wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    You make corn sound like a sentient being with malicious intent.
    It's just corn.

    Nah, I didn't. That's just your interpretation. You're just human. Corn is a grass.

    I'm not the one who described corn as "gotten insanely good" at getting humans to grow it. You humanized it, or more probably, demonized it. For whatever reason
  • jwolford90 wrote: »
    I've heard mixed reviews about corn. I have no idea what to believe. I follow a 1200 calorie diet but I had a major craving today and ate two cans of corn (yes I was THAT hungry lol). I am still under my daily calories but should I avoid splurging on that in the future? I assumed eating corn was a healthier substitute than eating a sandwich, breads, etc.

    Just remember, corn is not a vegetable. It is a grain. For your calculations. it is the same thing as eating bread, since it is a carb.
  • I like it. It's interesting how it ends up visible in poop later.
  • jwolford90 wrote: »
    I've heard mixed reviews about corn. I have no idea what to believe. I follow a 1200 calorie diet but I had a major craving today and ate two cans of corn (yes I was THAT hungry lol). I am still under my daily calories but should I avoid splurging on that in the future? I assumed eating corn was a healthier substitute than eating a sandwich, breads, etc.

    I am Pro-Corn and have on occasion been known to eat it as my dinner. Also my aunt once got me a case of canned corn because I love it so much.

    Also this is one of my favorite birthday cards to give people of all time (although based on this image they changed it a little bit since I bought it - it used to just be "I love corn" not "I love corn on the cob") so yeah I say eat the corn if you want it.

  • emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    You make corn sound like a sentient being with malicious intent.
    It's just corn.

    Nah, I didn't. That's just your interpretation. You're just human. Corn is a grass.

    I'm not the one who described corn as "gotten insanely good" at getting humans to grow it. You humanized it, or more probably, demonized it. For whatever reason

    Oh geez, you are just ready to jump down my throat at every turn just because we may have expressed different opinions on other threads. Chill out, take your troll goggles off, and get a sense of humor. It's just corn. I'm sharing my views on it. I like purple corn.
  • emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    You make corn sound like a sentient being with malicious intent.
    It's just corn.

    Nah, I didn't. That's just your interpretation. You're just human. Corn is a grass.

    I'm not the one who described corn as "gotten insanely good" at getting humans to grow it. You humanized it, or more probably, demonized it.


    That's one hell of a reach.

  • miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    What the *kitten*? Well how did it grow in the first place? Magic little golden nuggets from heaven?