anyone tried palos diet?

I'm considering the paleo diet. Has anyone tried? What's your thought s?


  • nekiwa07 wrote: »
    I'm considering the paleo diet. Has anyone tried? What's your thought s?

    There are many versions of the paleo diet. Best is to ask real life people around you. People online can say anything (esp hardcore CICOs who can't let go of their donuts, soft drinks etc). Real life people in front of you make better testimonials - because you can see what they actually look like. Not just the weight, but complexion and other more subtle details.

    Everyone I've met who does a version of the paleo diet (and has stuck with it and actually does it properly) looks amazing. And I know a lot of people on it because my social circle is Paleo. There isn't one single outlier. Probably not a good idea to ask someone obese who has just started the Paleo diet a week ago... nothing substantial can happen in a week.

    Go find someone in real life who does Paleo well and then do Paleo if you want to look like them. If not, then don't.

    But don't rely on the forum. You have real life evidence all around you.
  • I've been doing it for 4 years - with the exception of a year and a half break... I'm back on it though. I originally went from 236 pounds down 187 pounds in about 9 months. My doctor was getting ready to put me on cholesterol medication because my cholesterol was so bad... among all my other blood work tests that I failed. After three months I was retested by the same Dr... my cholesterol was in the normal range, all my lipids and other blood tests were in the normal range, and my good cholesterol had improved drastically as well.

    You feel 1000 times better when you're "eating clean" as they call it... like I said I lost 49 pounds... My skin improved... My neighbor actually commented that it looked like I'd been drinking from the fountain of youth.

    I don't follow every rule hundred percent of the time... I noticed one guys comment said that we would never eat 100% like our ancestors did... But those are not the rules to do the diet... Delete sugar wheat grains corn legumes from your diet . . . These are the things that will cause inflammation in your body. I EAT dairy occasionally but the main things that I eat CONSIST of good meats and oils, fresh vegetables, occasional fruits, and nuts & seeds.

    Give it a go... It is wonderful.
  • nekiwa07 wrote: »
    Are you wanting to try paleo for weight loss? I actually gained weight while trying to be 100% paleo (this was before I learned about CICO and i was probably eating 3000 calories a day)

    Wow! you gained. I'm trying to lose weight and build some muscle. I saw online that its suppose to help you lose weight.

    It does... I'm a living example.
  • I've been doing it for 4 years - with the exception of a year and a half break... I'm back on it though. I originally went from 236 pounds down 187 pounds in about 9 months. My doctor was getting ready to put me on cholesterol medication because my cholesterol was so bad... among all my other blood work tests that I failed. After three months I was retested by the same Dr... my cholesterol was in the normal range, all my lipids and other blood tests were in the normal range, and my good cholesterol had improved drastically as well.

    You feel 1000 times better when you're "eating clean" as they call it... like I said I lost 49 pounds... My skin improved... My neighbor actually commented that it looked like I'd been drinking from the fountain of youth.

    I don't follow every rule hundred percent of the time... I noticed one guys comment said that we would never eat 100% like our ancestors did... But those are not the rules to do the diet... Delete sugar wheat grains corn legumes from your diet . . . These are the things that will cause inflammation in your body. I EAT dairy occasionally but the main things that I eat CONSIST of good meats and oils, fresh vegetables, occasional fruits, and nuts & seeds.

    Give it a go... It is wonderful.

    The healthiest and longest living populations eat most of those things as staple of their diets
  • i do a modified version of paleo but it's leaning more towards the paleo side of things. i don't eat grains at all, no processed anything but i need me a bit of sugar in my coffee. not much but some. other than that, the paleo way of eating isn't that restrictive but takes a lot of prep work.

    finding alternative to grains was difficult at first but i'm good now.
  • Keto would probably be the better path for you. I'm part of a keto group on reddit for women and most of those who are on it for PCOS have seen great results, not only for weight loss, but hormonal balance as well. It's less restrictive than paleo IMO.
  • It was rated the worst fad diet of 2014.

    I say go for it!
  • Try JERF... (just eat real foods)... so none of that processed crap with chemicals and preservatives...

    Oh yeah that is basically what paleo has become anyways
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    nekiwa07 wrote: »
    I'm considering the paleo diet. Has anyone tried? What's your thought s?

    yes, a while back I did a three month experiment with it-
    1. developed stomach issues
    2. bad gas
    3. horrible bad breath (like people were commenting on it)
    4. grocery bill doubled
    5. did not lose weight
    6. did not notice any positive affects from it at all

    Yeah, was not a good fit for me :*
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I've been doing it for 4 years - with the exception of a year and a half break... I'm back on it though. I originally went from 236 pounds down 187 pounds in about 9 months. My doctor was getting ready to put me on cholesterol medication because my cholesterol was so bad... among all my other blood work tests that I failed. After three months I was retested by the same Dr... my cholesterol was in the normal range, all my lipids and other blood tests were in the normal range, and my good cholesterol had improved drastically as well.

    You feel 1000 times better when you're "eating clean" as they call it... like I said I lost 49 pounds... My skin improved... My neighbor actually commented that it looked like I'd been drinking from the fountain of youth.

    I don't follow every rule hundred percent of the time... I noticed one guys comment said that we would never eat 100% like our ancestors did... But those are not the rules to do the diet... Delete sugar wheat grains corn legumes from your diet . . . These are the things that will cause inflammation in your body. I EAT dairy occasionally but the main things that I eat CONSIST of good meats and oils, fresh vegetables, occasional fruits, and nuts & seeds.

    Give it a go... It is wonderful.

    Thing is-I tried it and nothing magical happened, except I developed several bad side effects. I went on to do CICO, along with IF, and I not only lost almost 60lbs but my blood panels also improved across the board, including getting my glucose number out of the pre-diabetic range and back into the normal range. Cholesterol levels are amazing, blood pressure is amazing etc etc. And this happened while I was still eating all the foods I liked and not arbitrarily cutting anything out.

    If someone truly enjoys eating that way, then sure go for it. But, I lost the weight, improved my health (glucose number has been stabilized for two years now), and I'm successfully maintaining-all while eating what I like and not cutting out any food groups :)
  • nekiwa07 wrote: »
    Well, she can try it if she likes the food choices on it, but it's an awfully nebulous term, and the restrictions are unnecessary for weight loss.

    OP, why are you considering it, and what sort of guidelines are you considering? I did paleo WAY before it hit the mainstream and way before some of the foods that paleo eaters eat now were part of the various protocols. Back then? Meat, eggs, nuts, non-starchy veggies and a grudging allowance for cold-pressed olive oil.

    I have hormonal issues and saw online that it helps women with PCOS and other hormonal imbalances.

    Agree that some level of carb restriction is probably a good idea with PCOS. It does vary from woman to woman, some have no issues, others like me need to go with a moderate intake (I'm around 100g a day), others need to go lower. If you don't need to go all the way to a low, low carb diet it's a lot easier, simply because you don't need to completely restrict any foods.

    I think I'm probably through the insulin resistance stuff now (back in the healthy BMI range), but my mod carbs quite suit me so I'm sticking with it.
  • No I haven't tried it tbh

    Don't think I want to either

    I love CICO and it works really well
  • whats CICO? never heard of it, I always thought a paleo diet was the healthiest of diets?
  • whats CICO? never heard of it, I always thought a paleo diet was the healthiest of diets?

    Calories in, calories out-meaning you eat less calories than what you need to maintain your current weight, which results in weight loss. It's what My Fitness Pal is based upon :)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I always thought a paleo diet was the healthiest of diets?

    Who said that?

    A paleo diet can be quite healthy, and it can be quite unhealthy. Depends on the personal choices you make, of course. Paleo does cut out some foods that are generally recognized as healthy (by the same sources that paleo types like when they recommend limiting sugar and highly processed carbs in general, amusingly), but that doesn't mean you can't have a healthy diet without those foods. It also limits or excludes some foods that many people on the standard American diet tend to overconsume, and thus prevents overconsumption, but it's not that hard to avoid overconsuming those foods (or even to cut out some of them, if you like) without doing "paleo."

    Obviously, one can have a non paleo diet (non any kind of label diet, as I personally prefer) and make extremely healthy choices. The label you use or the specific foods you cut out really aren't the issue. Making choices that result in good nutrition is.