Gluten free

I was tested for celiac years ago and it came back negative but I think I am sensitive to gluten. I am going to take it out of my diet for 30 days and see how I feel. Would love input...!


  • It is possible to have a gluten allergy but not test positive for celiac. I know people who cut gluten out and they felt better. I knew a lady who had RA and her symptoms improved by cutting out gluten. I actually have celiac disease so I had no choice lol. It is hard to adjust at first but I have found that as time has gone on I don't miss pasta and bread as much. But do be careful of the gluten free options. They tend to have more sugar in them.
  • I too have tested negative for celiac. I recently reduced my carbohydrate intake for other medical reasons, I went three days not eating any grain products, I wasn't trying to, I just was eating other things. On the fourth day I ate a low carb pita and my throat swelled and the side of my face went numb. Now, I don't know what the reaction was to, gluten, flax, wheat, or anything else in the item, but I have had the same thing or worse happen when testing wheat products again.

    So yes there are other things that can happen other from celiac. My sister was recommended by her gi Dr to eat a gluten free diet because of ibs and sibo. After cutting gluten/wheat/sugar out of her diet her discomfort had been drastically reduced and no longer needs to take continual antibiotics for the bacterial overgrowth.

    I find logging my food on here and putting notes in my diary if I have a negative reaction has helped me to pin point the foods that make me feel like crap. You'll find many foods are naturally gf, if there are specific items you miss there are usually gf versions to help make your switch easier. But like others have said, try not to go for all the gf stuff out there, some of it is made with other flours that may bother you just as much.

    There is a gluten free group on mfp as well, though it doesn't get tons of activity.

    Good luck on your journey, I hope you find the results you are looking for.
  • I follow a gluten and dairy free diet and its worked for me. After Christmas, Easter etc I am very bloated and it takes 2 weeks + to get back to normal.

    A Freind who is also a dietitian and PT, advised it. I wouldn't say it's helped with Weightloss in general, but we cook all our meals from scratch, I do eat full fat yogurt and cottage cheese and also eat normal porridge (made with rice or almond milk)

    Its very strange cutting it at first and I felt very thirsty for about 5 days, but at that you feel so much better.

    I've found that can eat bread on special occasions now and it's ok, but after a few days. I seem a lot more sensitive than I used to be.

    I was tested for celiac, chrones and neither found, so assigned the generic "IBS" tag.

    Any questions give me a shout, I've had ibs since 12 year's old and I'm 30 now! I've done a lot of reading.

    I also find 5 fish oil tablets help.
  • on the IBS bandwagon and gluten is NOT my friend... There are multiple ways to have a sensitivity to a food so the coeliac test isn't 100%
  • Just out of interest, not related to weight loss, but may be of use if you make your own bread, pizza, pasta do you have issues?

    Unless I use really cheap flour, I can eat what I like!
  • i have cut grains out of my diet completely since feb 3 and i love it! i feel amazing.. i did this as an experiment to fix my gum sensitivity and skin (which it did) and won't be eating grains ever again. i make all of my breads (paleo - using coconut flour) and eat pasta made from beans. pizza crust is caulflower!