Stupid Chocolate!

I cannot resist chocolate... When I see it, my mind just notches. Suddenly Im not myself anymore and all my brain knows is that " I must kill the chocolate".. Nothing is safe in the house when I am there

Anybody else got or had this problem? And what are your techniques to deal with it? How can I stop it and restrain?
When there is nothing at home, I can resist. But I tend to buy and then I cannot just take one piece, I only get my peace of mind again when all is gone :(

Any advice?



  • Freddos! If I really want chocolate I have a Freddo then it is only 95 calories and craving satisfed :)
  • I can't keep it in the house either. I sometimes buy it mindlessly, but before I get home I realize that I bought it, and then I give it away to someone else. :)
  • You have obviously never enjoyed the amazingness that is frozen cake/brownie

    Double-win, mindful eating because there is no way you can eat through something like that quickly. Melt-in-your-mouth.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    When my mom or my sister brought back my favorite chocolates, I would eat the whole box in a couple days. I was always craving chocolate but not daring buying any because I would eat the whole thing.

    So what I did was basically spend $60 at a Lindt sale, so now I have a lot of chocolate. But it's there, in my pantry, and not going anywhere, and it's MINE (and not my husband's or kids'). And it probably sounds weird, but the fact that I know I have a lot of chocolate and it's going to last a long time has made it very easy to stick to one square a day. And I don't eat it mindlessly, I take small bites and savor every one of them.

    Bottom line, for me, having a little bit with my coffee pretty much every day instead of resisting and eventually giving in makes it much easier to stick to moderation (unless I have PMS, but I figure that I'd just eat something else anyway if I didn't have any in the house). Obviously it would probably not work for everyone, but those 200 calorie chocolates that my mom brought last February? I still have half of them.
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    When my mom or my sister brought back my favorite chocolates, I would eat the whole box in a couple days. I was always craving chocolate but not daring buying any because I would eat the whole thing.

    So what I did was basically spend $60 at a Lindt sale, so now I have a lot of chocolate. But it's there, in my pantry, and not going anywhere, and it's MINE (and not my husband's or kids'). And it probably sounds weird, but the fact that I know I have a lot of chocolate and it's going to last a long time has made it very easy to stick to one square a day. And I don't eat it mindlessly, I take small bites and savor every one of them.

    Bottom line, for me, having a little bit with my coffee pretty much every day instead of resisting and eventually giving in makes it much easier to stick to moderation (unless I have PMS, but I figure that I'd just eat something else anyway if I didn't have any in the house). Obviously it would probably not work for everyone, but those 200 calorie chocolates that my mom brought last February? I still have half of them.
    Same here.

    My families leftovers and sweets never lasted long unless they hid them from me.

  • AnneCN wrote: »
    I usually make an options hot chocolate, usually does the trick.

    This, every evening. It's the only way I could stop myself from eating a bar a day :)
  • mpat81 wrote: »
    Make chocolate covered strawberries, you can eat quite a few and it will still be a reasonable amount of calories.

    Mmm, now I want one of these :)

    I'm the same way with chocolate. Here's what I do - I buy a bag of pre-packaged chocolate (like Dove minis or individually wrapped peanut butter cups) and I keep it at work. Sometimes I'm nice and I'll put it in a bowl to share--other times I just keep it in my desk, and reward myself around 3pm for making it through the day. Not only does it lift my spirits, but I'm not as likely to binge on all my chocolate when I have 10 other people sitting around me listening to me unwrap candy!
  • Did someone say chocolate!!!! I love chocolate. Dealing with chocolate is a battle every day. However, I do find that dark chocolate is harder to binge on because the flavor is too rich.
  • Do you think if chocolate weren't "forbidden" it might lose its allure? If you found a way to plan a little bit of GOOD chocolate into your day, every day, maybe it wouldn't have so much power. I mean, I know chocolate isn't ever going to stop being amazing, but you you might feel a little bit more control over it if you knew you could have it whenever you want. You can get a decent chocolate fix for under 100 calories. You should be able to make that fit?
  • You can pry chocolate from my cold, dead hands. I eat it everyday. Sometimes I even think I am tired of it, want something else sweet. However, most other sweet things have more calories. I'm not a 'eat a bowl of fruit for dessert and be satisfied' type person. Unless that fruit is drowning in whipped/ice cream, pie crust, or crumble topping. :p
  • I cannot resist chocolate... When I see it, my mind just notches. Suddenly Im not myself anymore and all my brain knows is that " I must kill the chocolate".. Nothing is safe in the house when I am there

    Anybody else got or had this problem? And what are your techniques to deal with it? How can I stop it and restrain?
    When there is nothing at home, I can resist. But I tend to buy and then I cannot just take one piece, I only get my peace of mind again when all is gone :(

    Any advice?

    yes, eat chocolate and work it into your day.

    problem solved.
  • Maltesers are my Achilles heal! I just love them. Could easily munch through a bag with a cup of tea. If I do I just add it in to my calories. Over 500 calories a bag really makes me think about it. I still eat them though! :wink:
  • I can nom a whole box of milk chocolate, or be happy with a couple squares of high cocoa content dark choc. So I buy Lindt 70% or similar and have that.
  • I also eat chocolate pretty much everyday. And not that bitter dark stuff, like milk chocolate extra-bad-for-you stuff. I eat about 150 calories worth after supper most nights (or some other dessert). Last night I ate 250 calories worth.

    I agree with previous posters' comments on not making it forbidden or bad. I've lost weight and gained it all back once. I refuse to gain it back again. This time, nothing has been off limits. Make it work in your day and you will be happy.

    I also agree with the person who said they stopped telling themselves they "couldn't resist." We all make the choice to put it in our mouth and swallow. Take your allotted portion and put the rest away. Wrap it up extra tight in saran wrap and store it in your basement. Whatever it takes.
  • Take magnesium glycinate at night before bed.

    Drink herbal tea when you have cravings and distract yourself.

    Don't buy chocolate, make small amounts of chocolate bark when you're at home using raw cacao. You'll probably need to divide a recipe.

    An easier way to satisfy a sweet craving is to have a spoonful of virgin coconut oil with honey on top.
  • I just checked up on magnesium glycinate. Gee, I'd only take that if I tested low on magnesium. I wouldn't want to overdose. I'd think the antioxidant properties and other happy chemicals in chocolate would be superior.
  • I have the same exact problem. Try taking magnesium supplements. This helps a ton when I'm PMS'ing. I eat chocolate everyday, but try to find chocolate protein bars (and pretend it's a regular chocolate bar) and other low cal treats. Try jello chocolate pudding pops, Adkins mudslide bar, Adkins trail mix bar, sugar free chocolate pudding, and dark chocolate almond milk.
  • I have exactly the same problem as you! I can't behave myself and I always find myself reaching for chocolate! But lately I've been very well behaved and I've gained some kind of self-control because whenever I think about munching down on a bar of chocolate I start to think about how I'll be if I carry on. I start to think about the fat I'll have and the extra rolls and all the bigger sizes of clothing I'll be buying and I feel ashamed AND IT WORKS!! Instead I go and grab fruit! That doesn't mean you can't indulge yourself once in a while though, just not everyday!!
  • Did someone say chocolate!!!! I love chocolate. Dealing with chocolate is a battle every day. However, I do find that dark chocolate is harder to binge on because the flavor is too rich.

    This. I have a dark chocolate bar in my cupboard and I only eat a piece if I *really* want chocolate -- and I find that isn't as much when I know its going to be dark chocolate, lol.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I regularly have Cookie Dough Greek Yogurt for breakfast (esp on mornings when I've forgotten to prep my yogurt/frozen fruit mixture the night before).
    1 cup Fat Free Greek Yogurt
    2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
    1/4 Tbsp Honey
    1 Tbsp mini chocolate chips
    Dash of vanilla extract
    Pinch of sea salt
    It's about 425 calories depending on which brand of peanut butter you use. Using Skippy Natural Creamy breaks it down to 28g Carbs, 22g Fat, and 31g Protein. The original recipe called for a full Tablespoon of honey but I'm not a big honey person.

    Somedays I'll add extra chocolate chips just because I can but it helps with my sweet cravings. I'm another daily chocolate eater - some days it's more than others but you'll have to pry my wine and chocolate out of my cold dead hands!