My partner has been put on the FODMAP elimination diet for health reasons, but it's caused his weight to fall drastically.

We're struggling to keep his calories up, and my calories down. Any suggestions? The poor man is eating everything he can, but it just doesn't stick.


  • Are his calorie levels actually adequate? Healthy diets tend to cause lower appetite and weight loss even when the food is yummy and filling, because it is less appetizing. Increase carbs (veggie form will be healthiest) and fat for him. For you, eat a lot of vegetables before every calorically significant meal... either a substantial salad (with fruit too if you like), or a large plate of cooked veggies, or a smoothie. Include fat but just a bit. Check out Fuhrman for more detail. Don't snack after dinner, unless you need it to sleep or stay asleep--then have the minimum needed. If you absolutely feel you must snack try toasted nuts or fruit, but first have some herbal tea (without milk or sugar).