taentea wrote: » livingleanlivingclean wrote: » I would be getting a second opinion.... I've seen 5 neurologists in 2015 so far. One gave me a quick fix that lasted a month and affected my weight, 2 didn't bother to do anything at all and sent me to check other aspects of my health, one has subscribed me a light tranquilliser to battle panic attacks caused by the issue and latest one said everyone before her did everything wrong and put me on v-drips, injections and electro-massage for couple weeks. She at least tried to look like she knew what she was doing and she was the one telling me weights are no go. I've been feeling awful for over 4 months now and I don't have a lot of faith in neurologists at the moment, to be honest. I will be seeing a physiotherapist/exercise physiologist soon and I'll definitely ask for her opinion and advice on the matter, but I don't imagine her overseeing my training process for long. A week or so of light exercise related to my condition is all I count on. My getting in shape journey will last over a year and I only count on myself to get me there. aggelikik wrote: » taentea wrote: » Thanks for advice, everyone. I have no plans of becoming a bodybuilder or a fitness model. I'm just looking for the ways to lose weight effectively and not look skinny yet obviously out of shape when I'm done. My doctor is not really 'mine' unfortunately. I was undergoing a treatment in a gov clinic past few weeks and now all I'm left with is a list of pills and that 'no weights' recommendation. I'm pretty much on my own here as a good neurologist is hard to find in this area. The good thing is, I'm allowed to do push-ups. I'm doing few short sessions of wall ones at the angle I find challenging every day. I should be able to do squats and lunges once I lose a bit more weight and my knees can take it. I was actually advised to do the bar but it will take me many months to get to the point I can attempt that without hurting myself. Yoga is off limits for now due to coordination issues but I will look into it in the future. I'll try to get the most out of my body weight. I was mostly wondering about extra weights. Will there be any use of 5-7kg dumbbells for example? Or will my body adapt to them soon and make them useless? My own weight is quite big and hard to lift at the moment. Weights seem like an easier option somehow. I'm sorry I'm a big noob in this fitness thing. Pardon my naive questions please. If the dr is ok with bodyweight exercises, google bodyweight routines. Also if you have health issues and want to increase strenght, search for functional training programs in your area. If you can find a class, they are aimed exactly for such situations, where there are limitations, recovery from injury etc and the exercises can be adapted to your needs. Also maybe pilates is a good type of exercise for you. The average class will not help you bulk, but can help a lot with strength and it is a whole body workout with very controlled movement. The Dr said 'ok' to push-ups and said 'don't think your fingers will support you on the bar'. Plus 'no weights above 5-7kgs'. This is all I know for now. Pilates looks like an option but it's still somewhere in the future for me. My issue is my neck area and I can't even lay with the back of my head down. Other laying positions appear even more horrifying somehow. I struggle finding a good position to fall asleep on a soft pillow atm I can not do full bodyweight routines obviously, but I've introduced angled push-ups already, squats and lunges should be fine soon. This is the direction I'm most hopeful for for now.
livingleanlivingclean wrote: » I would be getting a second opinion....
aggelikik wrote: » taentea wrote: » Thanks for advice, everyone. I have no plans of becoming a bodybuilder or a fitness model. I'm just looking for the ways to lose weight effectively and not look skinny yet obviously out of shape when I'm done. My doctor is not really 'mine' unfortunately. I was undergoing a treatment in a gov clinic past few weeks and now all I'm left with is a list of pills and that 'no weights' recommendation. I'm pretty much on my own here as a good neurologist is hard to find in this area. The good thing is, I'm allowed to do push-ups. I'm doing few short sessions of wall ones at the angle I find challenging every day. I should be able to do squats and lunges once I lose a bit more weight and my knees can take it. I was actually advised to do the bar but it will take me many months to get to the point I can attempt that without hurting myself. Yoga is off limits for now due to coordination issues but I will look into it in the future. I'll try to get the most out of my body weight. I was mostly wondering about extra weights. Will there be any use of 5-7kg dumbbells for example? Or will my body adapt to them soon and make them useless? My own weight is quite big and hard to lift at the moment. Weights seem like an easier option somehow. I'm sorry I'm a big noob in this fitness thing. Pardon my naive questions please. If the dr is ok with bodyweight exercises, google bodyweight routines. Also if you have health issues and want to increase strenght, search for functional training programs in your area. If you can find a class, they are aimed exactly for such situations, where there are limitations, recovery from injury etc and the exercises can be adapted to your needs. Also maybe pilates is a good type of exercise for you. The average class will not help you bulk, but can help a lot with strength and it is a whole body workout with very controlled movement.
taentea wrote: » Thanks for advice, everyone. I have no plans of becoming a bodybuilder or a fitness model. I'm just looking for the ways to lose weight effectively and not look skinny yet obviously out of shape when I'm done. My doctor is not really 'mine' unfortunately. I was undergoing a treatment in a gov clinic past few weeks and now all I'm left with is a list of pills and that 'no weights' recommendation. I'm pretty much on my own here as a good neurologist is hard to find in this area. The good thing is, I'm allowed to do push-ups. I'm doing few short sessions of wall ones at the angle I find challenging every day. I should be able to do squats and lunges once I lose a bit more weight and my knees can take it. I was actually advised to do the bar but it will take me many months to get to the point I can attempt that without hurting myself. Yoga is off limits for now due to coordination issues but I will look into it in the future. I'll try to get the most out of my body weight. I was mostly wondering about extra weights. Will there be any use of 5-7kg dumbbells for example? Or will my body adapt to them soon and make them useless? My own weight is quite big and hard to lift at the moment. Weights seem like an easier option somehow. I'm sorry I'm a big noob in this fitness thing. Pardon my naive questions please.
entropypsycho wrote: » I don't remember who said it or where I got this from, but I was under the impression that with free weights you never really need to go over 5 lbs.