I hate men....

edited April 2015 in Food and Nutrition
So, I've been at this weight loss fitness business for quite a while, intentionally with MFP for over a year. Now, my husband and son, who are both overweight, are in a weight loss "challenge", which is great for them, since my husband is in the obese category and Type II diabetic, and my son who is only 26 is already seeing issues with hypertension and high cholesterol. However, my son has just started tracking, and he is allowed 2300 calories yet he'll still lose. Yesterday, he said he was under by 600 because he's cut back to one soda a day. This is great, but I am also so jealous, since my average allowance, even when active is only around 1300-1500 and under 1200 if not super active (I'm tiny and old --5'1.5" and 56). I've started using a FitBit HR, which I sync with MFP, and I got under 1400 calories, even doing a zumba class and and a 1 1/2 mile walk. Despite eating small nutrient dense, low calorie meals, watching my macros, etc, , I am often still hungry. I have pretty good self-control and try to stave off nightime hunger by drinking a cup of flavored tea at night before bed, but when I wake up in the morning, I have to eat right away or I'm about ready to pass out. I'd love to have 1800 calories and still lose, but there's only so much I can up my activity level. Any other gals out here have similar "Calorie envy" with their guy friends/family members?


  • News on the "men" front. The spouse lost 3 lbs. in one week so far. My son 0 . I think the main difference is that my husband, despite his very sedentary job, is extremely active with baseball on the week-end. I must admit I enjoy seeing my "hated men" begin to take care of themselves, though!
  • 5'1" here and yes! I mean, I have my weight-loss to 0.25 kg a week, because anything more and I'm down to 1200 calories. Now I up that by adding exercise, but eating back calories and calories burned from working out is a complicated mess.

  • Yes, it sucks and is not fair, but you should be very happy they are trying to do something about their weight before it gets worse.
  • Men aren't as genetically blessed as you might think - they collect fat around their abdomen where it's much more dangerous. Women can get away with carrying more fat since they tend to collect it around their hips. Now it's not terribly fashionable for a woman to have a lot of fat on her hips, but that's not a genetic thing...that's social/cultural.
  • I know what you mean. I'm very concerned about my son, who at 26, has a serious belly and high blood pressure.