Hi everyone. This is a continuation from the April (2015) Running Challenge which can be found at:
Anyone can join in. New & Old. And if you found this thread late, you can join in at any time.
We have members that are total beginners all the way to marathon maniacs and beyond. We are a friendly and encouraging bunch.
Here the details from last month that applies here again.
Anybody want to join me for a running challenge? Set a goal here and mark it every day here. OPTIONAL: You can post your progress by creating a ticker at
http://www.tickerfactory.com (If creating ones seems difficult, then don't let that stop you. Just type in your daily miles here.)
You can run, walk, or do treadmill. Just be consistent. I am setting a goal for 200 miles. However, don't let that worry you. Some can do 25, 50; whatever you like. We can help motivate each other. What do you say? if you are new to running, set a low goal.
You can set your goal now but wait until Friday May 1st to log your runs.
Also, don't forget to join our group which can be found at:
There you will find lots of good info, and it's a place where everyone can talk to each other for further motivation. It's also a place to find help when there is a problem with this thread.
*******OPTIONAL TICKER*************
Info on tickers since I know there will be questions. Sign up for an account
http://www.tickerfactory.com and create your ticker.
Then you need to update it after you do a run and post it here. Here is what you will need to do.
After setting up your ticker, you will need to make note of the weblink they give you so you can return. An example would be:
http://www.tickerfactory.com/exercise/w6K1EiX/ <<<< the last part will be a part of the image link (explained below) that will be supplied to you after you initially create your link.
When you return to TickerFactory with the weblink, go to your settings page. Make sure you type your pin in that you set when you created your ticker account.
Then where it says "Your current cumlative value, there is an add button. Just add what you just did and the cumlative value automatically changes. Then hit next.
Now after you added your new miles (or km's) to your ticker you need to post it here.
After you hit next, it will give you a bunch of codes suggesting on how to display your ticker.
Use the one at the bottom where it says Direct Image URL:
It will look something like:
To display that correctly in your post, make sure you place the img tags around that link. So it will look, (removing the spaces in the img tags):
[ img ]
http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/w6K1EiX/exercise.png [ /img ]
^^^^^^^ Don't forget to remove the spaces between the brackets. ^^^^^^^^^^
Some key things to pay attention to when posting your ticker.
1: Use the link that ends in .png
2. Remember the [ img] and [ /img] tags go in between the link
3. remove the spaces in the img tags before posting
4. YES, there is a / in the second /img tag
Good luck! And happy running (or walking or treadmilling, ect). If you have any trouble or have questions, please feel free to PM me.