Exercise and fibromyalgia

i recently got diagnosed with fibromyalgia, are there any tips on exercising, stretching, and etc with this disorder?


  • Thank you ladies! I will have to look into the videos for indoor walking because at the moment it sounds a lot better than the "warriors pose" lol. I do need to change my diet and I am slowly getting better with what I eat. I'm using My Fitness Pal right now and it's starting to shine a light on my daily intake. Seems to be going pretty well so far! How would I join your group GlassesWoman?

    Thanks again ladies, your stories give me hope <3
  • I've been diagnosed with fibro for 10 years now. I've tried everything & what has worked the best for me is being active, stretching, & most recently now going on 5 months eating gluten free. I have an open diary if anyone wants to take a peek. Add