May 2015 MOVE Challenge



  • New and excited about this thread! 100 miles is a bit ambitious for me but will give it a shot. Here's where I am so far ...

    5/2: 3.11 mile jog (my first 5k!)
    5/2: 1.38 mile walking dog
    5/3: 6.70 mile jog
    5/5: 3.52 mile jog
    5/5: 0.68 mile walk

    Total: 15.39 miles of 100 miles
  • C25K Week 1 Session 3: 2.5 miles

    May 2015 Total to Date: 39.2 miles
    Walk/Run: 7.4 mi. (Target: 25 mi.)
    Cycling: 31.8 mi. (Target: 200 mi.)

  • I am new to this but seems like a great challenge and very motivating. My goal will be 100 miles- seems like a lot to do- walked 3 miles today. Only 97 more to go... Wish me luck.
  • May 1- 3miles
    May 2- .5miles
    May 3- 3.5miles
    May 4- 1.5miles

    2.5 miles today
  • Welcome Mcoderre! DO THE BEST YOU CAN. That is all we ask. IF you lay down and sleep on us we'll walk all over you! lol.......SERIOUSLY WELCOME.... :)

    I am in awe of all the work you guys do. <3 It truly does motivate me. I hope too get back too the Exercise bike as well. It has been busy since we were away awhile for my husbands Turkey Hunting vacation and then my baby got sick. TODAY is a family day for us as well. It happens. I plan too get out of here for a walk very soon before we have too leave and go too family....

    YOU GUYS CARRY ON!!!!!!! I will see you later... :)
  • Wowzer! Looking good, looking good! And yes indeed, jump right on here new guys. Happy to have your smiling faces. :)

    18.01 total miles
  • Here I come - jumping in!!!

    So far I am at 10.81 miles for the month.

    Time to get moving!
  • I chickened out and did 2.5 miles on the treadmill, I didn't fancy a 30 mile an hour gust of wind blowing me under a lorry! Will try again on Friday when the weather should be better.

    May to date - 30.5 miles and 75 minutes Zumba

  • Cycling - Base Training: 9.6 miles

    May 2015 Total to Date: 48.8 miles
    Walk/Run: 7.4 mi. (Target: 25 mi.)
    Cycling: 41.4 mi. (Target: 200 mi.)

    Would have liked to ride longer, but got home from work late and ran out of daylight.
  • _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    I'm in with 100 walking/jogging miles.
    I got in 5 miles on the first and 2 on the second.

    7 miles down, 93 to go.

    2 miles of walk/jog intervals today.
    91 miles left. :)

    89 miles to go

    Didn't get anything done today, family came into town :)

    Only 1 mile of walking done today. 88 left.
  • can I join? That way I can duplicate posts on another similar thread and feel doubly good that I am getting some exercise in!!!! ;)

    Goal - be more active, cycling more to justify buying a new snazzy bike.

    May results to date:

    Cycling - 1/10 hours (11 miles so far)
    Walking - 10/50 miles (includes anything above 1 mile showing on my fitbit)
    Swim - 0/100 laps
    Lindy Hop class - 1/4 times

    rest day today

  • 5-6 12.84 miles road bike.

    Total May- 12.84
  • lol Mandy! I don't blame you. I have a treadmill but I use it I would rather walk outside. The very coldest of days I use it. The rest of the time I brave the cold IF it is at least 40F. I am HAPPY IT IS SPRING although we seem too have surpassed Spring. We are having 80 degrees temps and THAT is summer weather. <3 .NOPE NOT COMPLAINING!!!!

    It is SO GOOD TOO SEE SO MANY people on my little ole thread. I was always concerned people would not get along. I don't see that here. I see many motivating, uplifting, encouraging peoples. SO HAPPY TOO BE PART OF THIS GROUP... <3

    We had a busy day yesterday. I walked the girls early morning and then we were off too the Big city too run errands and take a disabled cousin too the movies. All in all I DID get in 4 walking miles in-between all the busy...

    TOTAL as of MAY 6TH............24 walking Miles...

    I will try and log todays progress late evening...EVERYONE HAVE A GOD BLESSED DAY!
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    @girlinahat, of course you can join! And if duplicate posts do it for you, then you just go right ahead and post away. ;)

    So how is that a whole week of May is already in the rearview??

    21.89 total miles

    Edited to say... Hey Jeannie! Didn't see your post as it was on the next page. Duh... But isn't it so encouraging to have a group of people just GETTING ALONG? I mean, in this crazy world of social media rage and diarrhea of the mouth of the anger-infused public... Yes, this little group is quite the oasis of JOY and SMILES and MILES!

    You guys have an incredibly fantastic weekend and before I go I just have to share a joke that my 13 year old told me:
    What do you call a mailbox with no mail in it?

    HA! Poor guy has his mom's lacking sense of humor... o:) But we always laugh uproariously at our own jokes. Such nerds! lol
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    lol jesiann. U always make me laugh! :p

    whew!!!!!!!!!!!! am I tired. We've walked a fast hard walk and a slower 2 hour walk. We have walked and walked and worked and Husband is off so he joined the girls and me. It is ONLY 2 p.m and we are still not finished with some outside chores...
    Walking Miles today a big 5.0....

    TOTAL THUS FAR for MAY 7TH......29 Walking Miles....

    EDIT: I wanted too make my mileage in BOLD color... :p
  • This is my first 100 mile walk challenge!!! I started a little late, but I am at 13 miles walking. Woot!
    Feel free to add me, so we can motivate one another.
  • Second zumba session for the month, can't wait for the weather to improve

    May to date - 30.5 miles and 115 minutes Zumba
