Looking for diary share friends 1500-1700 calories a day

I would love to diary share with a few consistent loggers that are eating between 1500-1700 calories a day. I want to get food ideas, maybe even share recipes. Friend me!


  • tobin1 wrote: »
    so curious to know/understand this better. I am at 1000 calories and with workout it goes to 1500 r u **really suppose to eat that much more** my nurse said I have been at this the wrong way. I was trying to eat at 1200 calories. I want to loose weight I do zumba daily 20/40 minutes and walk as well as we have a little mini farm so constantly busy

    My goals is only to lose a pound a week. MFP suggests I eat 1600 calories a day. If I work out I am allotted more calories, but I try to avoid eating my workout calories. Sometimes I have to because I'm famished. If your nurse is saying that 1500 calories or 1200 calories is too much then you must be 4 feet tall. Either that or your nurse does not know squat about nutrition.

    she assumed MFP said 1200 for me but i just went in and redid it and it is saying around 1500 for me before work out,that is for lossing 1.5 im 5.4 188 and would like to loose and get around 170. I just want to be REAL. I enjoy cooking and sell at the farmers markets I want to kick this depression inthe butt and be happy with myself
  • I'm right in that range. My diary is open; I've logged 110 days!
  • Add me! Like the other poster responded - it helps keep me accountable.
    And a current friend of mine's open diary helped me find new snack ideas - particularly a new brand of yogurt that I am absolutely in love with now!
  • Done! I'm at 1500 but go over sometimes :) anyone else is free to add me too!
  • I'm around 1640. add me too!
  • I'm in that range, sounds like a great idea!
  • I'm at 1520 net
  • I'm close, 1480. Feel free to add me!
  • I am currently at 1630. Feel free to add.
  • I'm at 1610! Going to send you a request and anyone else can add me too!
  • 1600 currently :smile:
  • I'm still a newbie here since three weeks ago, but I'm at 1500. Please add me if you like, I'd like some idea of what successful people are eating and how I can make adjustments.
  • I'm posting low calorie recipes at recipes.essentialflavors.net. Check out the site and send me a friend request to use the recipes in your food diary. More recipes to come soon...
  • I've just added a few of you, it's a really good idea to get ideas what others are eating
  • I would love to diary share with a few consistent loggers that are eating between 1500-1700 calories a day. I want to get food ideas, maybe even share recipes. Friend me!

    Add me. This is me
  • I eat between 1350-1650 and I meal plan before the week! Calories change dependent on my healthy snacks and exercise. Feel free to add me!
  • 1440-1540 here! Any one feel free to add me!
  • Add me too, I do 1500-1800 .
  • I'm at 1700 a day with 1500mg's of sodium. It's difficult at times, but doable. Anyone can friend me to assist in accountability and ideas.
  • I'm around 1800. Feel free to add me.