Fitness and Exercise
Experiment: Jawbone UP24 vs. Misfit Shine
So I've had a Misfit Shine for a couple of months now, and recently started doubting the calorie adjustments and step estimations - they just seemed really high. Yesterday I received an UP24 as a gift, so I figured I'd do a bit of an experiment this week. I'm wearing both trackers (on the same arm; I look very cool) and my hope is to see what the differences are in active time, calories burned from exercise, total calories burned, and steps taken. I know a lot of people have one or both of these trackers or are thinking of getting one, so hopefully this will help some people (as well as motivate me to work out this week). I'll post updates. If you're reading this and there's something you're curious about that you'd like me to pay attention to, let me know!
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Really debating between these two trackers... any suggestions from your experiment?
I debated those 2 also, got the Misfit because it's waterproof and sleep tracking is automatic, it was also cheaper.
Sorry for the delay! I'll post an update tonight!
I am interested. I have the Shine & I really don't care for it. It tracks steps & sleep movement & that's about it. Plus it has issues syncing with my Galaxy S5 all the time so I kind of gave up. I use my phone for a pedometer if I want to track that.
Hey all! OK so I only ended up actually wearing both for just a few days because I ultimately decided I liked the UP24 better and took off the shine.
Numbers comparison:
Day 1:
UP24 calories burned total:1924
Shine calories burned total: 2045
UP24 distance: 2.86 miles / 5825 steps
Shine distance: 2.1 miles / 5644 steps
UP24 sleep: 5h55m sound, 2h25m light
Shine sleep: 7h27m sound, 1h25m light
Day 2:
UP24 calories burned total: 1725
Shine calories burned total: 2033
UP24 distance: 3.83 miles / 7749 steps
Shine distance: 2.6 miles / 6706 steps
UP24 sleep: 5h6m sound, 2h40m light
Shine sleep: 5h37m sound, 2h7m light
Day 3:
UP24 calories burned total: 1855
Shine calories burned total: 2194
UP24 distance:5.87mi / 11918 steps
Shine distance: 4.1 miles / 10426 steps
UP24 sleep: 4h25m sound, 3h23m light
Shine sleep: 4h28m sound, 3h1m light
Day 4:
UP24 calories burned total:2085
Shine calories burned total: 2192
UP24 distance: 7.18 miles / 14826 steps
Shine distance: 4.2 miles / 10196 steps
UP24 sleep: 3h49m sound, 3h28m light
Shine sleep: 6h31m sound, 57m light
What I found overall is that even though the Shine's step and mile counts were below the UPs, the total calories burned were higher on each day. In some cases, by a significant amount. This is what I was concerned about to begin with.
In most cases sleep seems pretty similar; I'm less concerned about that.
Overall I chose the UP24 for a couple of reasons: first, I would rather underestimate calorie burns than overestimate them. Second, I ended up really liking the UP24 app much better. The Shine app is sleek and cool looking but the UP app is just more fun. It's colorful, it sends me notifications on my progress, and it gives me little mini goals that I am compelled to complete. This is anecdotal but since I got my UP I've been challenging myself to walk more during the day and after work to hit those goals and maintain a streak. the UP app also gives little tips on food, exercise, and sleep that are helpful, and integrates with MFP's food diary. It's true that I have to manually go into and out of sleep mode on the UP but I will say that I haven't yet forgotten to do it, and I'm a pretty forgetful person. Also, the UP app gives me the ability to add way more exercise types than the Shine - which is very important to me when it comes to logging yoga.
Let me know if y'all have any other questions about either!
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