after all this time I should know better

I sometimes still eat things before I look up the nutrition value and find out it is way too many calories and not worth eating. :/ . Do others have the same problem?


  • What I hate is when you make what you think is a good choice, rather than having what you actually want, only to find out that your 'good' choice was actually more calories than what you really wanted.

    Yes I have done that a lot
  • thank you all for the suggestions and the support. I feel better knowing that I am not the only person who has had difficulty with the.
  • 00figg wrote: »
    i had a doh! moment last week. son came home from college and we were in target. i was paying for his loot and he asked if i wanted anything from starbucks. it was cold so i said yeah, get me something skinny. so he chose a skinny white chocolate mocha. i drank it. enjoyed it. later logged it. all 350 'skinny' fit into my day, but still...
    I have done that. I'm usually even worse and get the full blown white chocolate mocha grande (My favorite). I haven't had one in almost a year so I have made progress.
  • What I hate is when you make what you think is a good choice, rather than having what you actually want, only to find out that your 'good' choice was actually more calories than what you really wanted.

    So this. Like when the kale and quinoa salad was 1200 calories but the individual thin crust pizza was only 600.

    I keep the nutritional info for the places I eat at regularity bookmarked on my phone. It helps, but sometimes I'll still eat first then log and cringe a little. It happens.
  • Nope. I prelog my day every morning. Then I can tweak things if I have to

    Totally read that as "twerk things if I have to".
  • Mr_Knight wrote: »
    I sometimes still eat things before I look up the nutrition value and find out it is way too many calories and not worth eating. :/ . Do others have the same problem?

    Hey, don't beat yourself up, it takes a while to get used to that.


    I got into the habit of "I need to look this up before I eat it." If it will take too much effort to look up(not often but sometimes I get lazy), then I just decide it isn't worth it and I wont eat it. :lol:
  • I do it sometimes not realizing how bad a choice it was until I log it, then I realize, well for sure next time I will have a much better choice and learn from it.