Underweight, 26 weeks pregnant, and no weight gain

I could use some support, tips, and maybe new friends :)

I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my second child and have not gained any weight. I'm 5.8" and started out around 123 pounds. I quickly went up to about 128 (largely due to bloating thanks to the fertility drugs!) but then went back down. I weighed 121.5 this morning at the gym. I'm fairly active - I have a four-year-old and two part-time jobs (college teacher and doula). I lift weights three times a week, swim once a week, and try to walk the other days.

I do have a history of mild orthorexia. I have been upping my calories over the last two or three weeks once it really hit me that I'm not letting myself gain weight but so far it's not working. In fact, I've lost a pound in the last week. Darn.

I know I need to eat more calories. Duh. But it's hard while trying to eat right for this baby with lots of veggies and fruit and staying hydrated. I rarely feel hungry, especially after increasing my calories a couple of weeks ago. So I could use some support and guidance from people who have been in a similar situation or otherwise have some insight and knowledge. Thanks!


  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    You have gotten a lot of good advice already, but just want to phrase the basics another way. Focus on calories and macronutrients for awhile, not so much on fruits and veggies or hydration. You want everything balanced... protein, carbs, and fat. No low-anything. Find your micronutrient dense food in animal products: shellfish primarily and fatty wild fish secondarily if you're not allergic, and organ meat (especially liver and heart) and offal of grassfed beef and similarly well-raised animals. These will be both high in micronutrients and high in calories. See a medical professional for help if you need digestive support. Also generally, don't restrict your diet--emphasize healthy foods, but don't disallow anything at all unless absolutely necessary.