Hey everyone, similarly to my friend Terry (terizius) I am also doing a 12-week bulk. However, this is my first time ever trying a bulk. Having been overweight for so long, I feared trying to add size so all I have ever done is continue to lose weight. I think at my lowest I was around 136-137 pounds which at 5'7"-ish (around 5'7.5"), that is pretty low. Plus, I would really like to have at least a little muscle since I've never really had any before. I know I won't get huge or anything because 3 months is not a huge amount of time but I still know if I work hard I can definitely make a difference in how my body looks. I am currently doing the Body Beast program and started at 142 pounds. After three weeks of the Build Phase, I am now in the Bulk Phase of the program. Normally, this phase is about 5 weeks but I decided to extend it to 12 weeks to see how far I could go. I just finished my 5th week and have seen some gains in both size and strength (not too much but it is definitely encouraging to see the difference). I thought for the next 7 or so weeks, I would update my progress here to help others encourage me and hopefully I could maybe act as an impetus for someone else who is scared of bulking up. Here are some of my stats.
Starting Weight at the beginning of the Bulk Phase: 143 pounds
Current Weight: 147 pounds
*Arm measurements were flexed arms
**Was not super confident going into this so besides a picture, I did not take starting measurements so I am going based off of my progress about 2 weeks into this
A little over 3 weeks ago (Feb. 23):
Waist: 32 inches
Chest: 35.875 inches
Right Arm: 12.625 inches
Left Arm: 12.625 inches
Right Thigh: 21.125 inches
Left Thigh: 21 inches
Neck 14.875 inches
Hips: 36.375 inches
Most current (Monday, March 16th):
Chest: 36.625"
Left Arm: 12.875"
Right Arm: 12.875"
Waist: 32.5"
Left thigh: 21.375"
Right thigh: 21.375"
Hips: 36.5"
Neck: 15"
And here is a picture of my progress so far:

Sorry if the left one is a little blurry, that was the only picture I had and tried to zoom in so the comparison would be a little better so not sure if you would be able to see much progress! Anyway, this is my journey so far and I love Body Beast (it is a great program and I enjoy the workouts immensely) so hoping all goes well!