Late Night Snacker

I eat pretty well all throughout the day and even at dinner. Then, once I get ready to watch some TV and relax, I get the munchies and quickly turn my great day into a food frenzy! And it's not sweets that I am after, it is often that I seek to get in another full meal, something more filling. I don't know what my problem is, but I have to assume I am not alone in the late night snacking/eating category! Does anyone have this same problem or a suggestion?


  • Wow I am feeling the love on here. I haven't logged into here in a while because I have been crazy busy but I will certainly be taking some of your guys advice. No food after dinner, no eating in front of the tv...great advice! I looked up Liporidex, and it looks promising and could really help me with my snacking habits. Mandy do you get your on Amazon, not sure if there is a better deal somewhere else?
  • Hiya, I save some of my calories so I can have an evening snack and something in the night, I'm up most nights due to pain and I get peckish. Sometimes I'll have a snack a jack or crispbread with almond butter and banana. Other times I might not eat but have a nice mug of hot chocolate
  • I sometimes save calories for later

    Like today I've planned I will have 400 calories to play with after dinner