am I overtraining?

I am 64 and when i workout i usually go over an hour. If doing stength training, I use a push pull aproach and move to the alternate immediatly (less than 30 sec). I will add an unrelated exercise in and then repeat the cycle. So might be dumbell military press, alternate with lat pull downs and a set of lunges. I keep moving to keep my heart rate up.

Not seeing any progress, and was told i am working too hard for my age? thoughts?



  • WOW, now I am feeling guilty. I posted here but did not expect an answer= just came back and I am awed by the responses- thank you for taking the time to try to help. I will more diligent in the future.

    I ask your indulgence as I try to answer the questions.. You have already given me things to think about.

    Lulu- I have been a regular exerciser for years. I did not follow a plan, just did what felt right. About a year ago I decided to focus on the elliptical and worked up to 7 miles in an hour. A milestone for me. Did nothing for weight loss, but it was an achievement. Found I had lost a lot of strength so found a trained and are working her programs.

    Glenn- good advice on mixing It up. The over working comment is due to the fact I don't see much strength gain- or weight loss.

    Allan- I have always been fat- was 245, been at 220 for a couple years, Progress would be to get out of the OBESE range and be merely overweight. (not true- would like to be at 180). I sleep well, now trying two days off between weight workouts. No depression (I think, though the wife does say I am crabby)

    4th - interesting thought on varying calories. like the comments.

    Sam - my main goal in strength training is to be able to impress the grandkids.

    Sweat- I feel like every workout I am at the point of exhaustion. current program takes about 70 minutes
    a 10 minute warmup- then supersets of 8 reps, repeated four times

    DB bench w/65s
    goblet squat with 65

    DB Bent over row w/55s
    DB Romanian deadlift with 60s

    Military press using 80# curl bar
    leg lifts

    followed by 6-8 HIT sessions (30 sec high, 60 sec rest) on a stationary bike, rower or elliptical.

    Getting better but very slowly - taking two days off between sessions

    Lean- I have struggled with diets my entire life- twice losing significant weight only to gain it back. Last I checked I was 33% body fat at 210 #, that's about 70 lbs of fat. Ideally I would like to keep the lean mass I have and lose 30 pounds. seems you can't do both...

    People your feedback is much appreciated, thank you.

  • lenkearney wrote: »

    Allan- I have always been fat- was 245, been at 220 for a couple years, Progress would be to get out of the OBESE range and be merely overweight. (not true- would like to be at 180). I sleep well, now trying two days off between weight workouts. No depression (I think, though the wife does say I am crabby)

    Fat loss comes from what and how much you eat. Focus on that.

    Exercise should be focused on other fitness goals (strength, cardiovascular, endurance, mobility, balance, agility, speed). Yes, you burn some extra calories, but you really should eat those back, thereby fueling your next workout.