Occasionally I go Out For Tea to a Tea Shop (which makes a bit of an "occasion" out of tea, as opposed to a store which sells only tea, or a shop which offers tea and sandwiches but no ambiance), and when I do, I have no trouble pairing sweets (and, of course, scones) with the tea.
Day to day, however, I find that if I drink tea, apart from a now-past tendency to over-indulge in a certain brand of tea biscuits, I really am not keen to have much in the way of desserts/snacks with the tea.
If I drink coffee, on the other hand, I find that the idea of most desserts/snacks seems more palatable with coffee. And the scones go equally as well with coffee as with tea.

Also, since I drink my tea with 1/2 oz milk, and my coffee with 1 oz half and half, I know I'm looking at a 25 calorie differential right off the bat.
Today, I chose the tea over the coffee, both for the 25 calories and because the tea biscuits I currently favor (only 32 calories for two!) go better (to my palate) with coffee than with tea.
Has anyone else observed something similar in their experience?