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Gain weight

julineussjulineuss Publicaciones: 1 Publicaciones: 1
Hey im 17 years old and my weight is 41 kg (90 pounds). I want to gain weight in muscle, but Im not allowed to lift weights, I can just do pilates or yoga. Any advice? I also need help on what to eat and how much


  • unesemainedecruauteunesemainedecruaute Publicaciones: 7 Publicaciones: 7
    Hi Juli,

    Thing is, in order to give your body the message "I need to develop muscle", you need to put him outside his comfort zone.

    Comfort zone for you would be what you already are doing; you won't gain more muscle if you don't alter your routine. As an example, you won't gain more muscle (that you already have) by walking, because your body has already developed muscle for that (even when you think you don't have it).

    Whereas resistant training is the best for gaining muscle, truth is that body-weight exercises (google them) are a GREAT option for those who can't go to the gim. Pilates and almost any kind of american yoga are/imply body-weight exercises. You'll also find a whole lot of them that you can do on your home.

    What to eat? Use the calculator here (My Home > Goals > Change goals). It'll take a time till you figure all out (calories, macronutrients), but if you have google at your side, you'll have a fair understanding in one day.

    Anyway, feel free to ask (me) if you have any doubt :)

    P.d.: you published this in the "spanish" board, you'll have more responses on the "english" one.
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