Eating 2000 calories for a slow but steady loss... :)


Like many of you I have dieted many times over the years, going up an down on the diet roller-coaster. Again, like many of you, I want to lose this weight once and for all. I have gone from a super low calorie diet to not caring what I eat or counting calories at all- and ballooning to 245 lbs. Through the years I have realized that my biggest challenge was actually sticking with something for the long haul, and I have found that eating about 2000 calories a day might be the key to my long term success. I just started about 2 weeks ago and have lost 2.5 pounds so far; and I have done this all while being able to enjoy meals with my husband, friends, and most importantly- being happy!

Of course, I'm eating 2000 calories a day because I have over 50 lbs to lose, and believe that as I lose weight I will be more up to working out longer/harder at the gym, and won't be needing to reduce my calories too much lower than 2000 (in order to still create a deficit). Furthermore, I want to do all this while enjoy my life!. I'm tired of cancelling on my friends because I 'can't' go out to dinner with them, or finding excuses not to participate in events out of fear of 'what am I going to eat there', or going over my '1200 calorie limit'.

I've decided to take my life back, and while committing to exercising about 3 times a week, and eating 2000 calories a day, I know I will achieve my goal in the span of 1 year. I am mentally prepared to take things slow this time....and well.

After calculating your TDEE and if your -15% or 20% cut value is around 2000 calories, and if that is what you choose to eat, I welcome you to join this group, add me, and we can all encourage each other!

Hurray to the 2000 calories a day !

Owner: UnknownLeaders: Created on May 6, 20151 membersPrivacy: Public


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