10 lbs by May 31, 2015

We all have a common interest: weight loss. Let's use this group to celebrate mile stones, seek out support, and encourage one another.

Did you pass up a scone today? Did you give in to temptation? Did you consume less calories than you had planned? Share it here.

We can do this, ladies. We'll weigh in every Saturday. If you're MIA, I'll text or call you. This group will be your accountability. It's only for one month, right! Imagine how good you'll feel when those pounds start to melt away!

Ok, track your meals as diligently as possible. Track your weight loss here, too. Please try and check in every today for the next 26 days. Starting today!

Owner: UnknownLeaders: Created on May 4, 20150 membersPrivacy: Private