***Stay at home Mamas, Need Motivation/Advice/Lovin***

B) This is for us stay at mothers,homeschool mothers and busy bee mothers. We need to HELP each other and QUIT knocking each other down like society does for NOT looking like a size they THINK :/ we should look like. I am a homeschooling/homesteading mother to 2 busy boys(14 and 2) I have been battling trying to stay what I feel like I should be for me for years. I do zumba wii daily 20 to 40 minutes and walk if I can. I can afford a membership or find time to go to the gym. Im needed here at home and must be here. I am battling depression (have been off and on for so many years) recently have been battling it harder once again in my life. Any help is much appreciated !!!!!!!!
Owner: UnknownLeaders: Created on May 3, 20151 membersPrivacy: Public


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