Military Spouses and Partners

Hey all! After browsing through pages and pages of groups on here and not finding anything geared toward military spouses and partners, I decided to start my own! If you've ever been through a significant other deploying or being away for several months, you know that it is the ultimate stress-eating and emotion-eating trigger. For me at least, whenever my boyfriend is away for a long period of time, I attempt to fill that empty hole with food - mainly cheese, chocolate, and wine.

Anyway, I thought it would be good to get in touch with some other people who may be in the same position and see if we can support each other. Whether you're currently going through a deployment or not, no matter what branch or MOS, we all face the same worry, emptiness, and challenges - so why not help each other out? Also, while boyfriend is away at his latest round of training is Ft. Knox, I'd like to make some positive changes and surprise him when he comes home. Who's with me?!
Owner: UnknownLeaders: Created on April 29, 20150 membersPrivacy: Private