“May”ke Your Muscles Sculpted & Joints Flexible

(Female only group)

After great success in the last five months, and so much fun, I’ve decided to start another group for May. “May”ke Your Muscles Sculpted & Joints Flexible is a group dedicated to toning and building muscles, pushing limits, increasing endurance as well as flexiblity, and having fun. In March I introduced kickboxing moves, in April we focused on weights, in May I will be combing weights with flexibility. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced there is something in this group for you. All of the challenges that I give have different options and modifications to insure that you can perform each challenge safely and effectively. Throughout April I will be issuing daily challenges on a 3 day rotation with a physical challenge rest on the 4th day replaced by a food challenge. I will also be including daily recipes that are figure friendly, but tastes like you’ve committed a small sin in the dining dept, and they are all easy on the grocery budget. Along with the challenge, and recipes, I will finish out each post with a daily tip. This month I will be doing something similar to “Eat this not that” with the daily tip. So, in saying that, I look forward to seeing the friends that have joined us in the last five months, and I look forward to meeting all of you new comers to the group. If you make every day a challenge you will reach your goals that much quicker. See you in May!
Owner: UnknownLeaders: Created on April 28, 20153 membersPrivacy: Private