Accountability = Weight Loss!

Let's do this!

I know, for me, having others around me that are shooting for similar goals, is incredibly motivating.

Weight loss, is hard. Not because losing weight is necessarily hard....but because I like icecream...and pizza....and well, food.

So together, we can hold each other accountable, provide support for one another and keep each other facing the brighter side of everything we are striving to become.

While disregarding cravings and making healthier choices may be difficult, the first week will undoubtebly be the hardest.

I plan to log everything on here - what I eat, drink, do and my measurements.
I will record my weight once a week as well.
Hopefully you guys will do this with me and together we can watch our numbers drop!

We got this (:
Owner: UnknownLeaders: Created on April 24, 20155 membersPrivacy: Private