kpodaru wrote: » yes just another fad as it relates to weight loss but i cook and bake with it. not for weight loss but because it's a healthy oil and it tastes amazing. whatever i don't use off the spoon or when i'm finished with the jar, i smear it all over my hands and face because it's also an amazing skin hydrator/moisturizer
bulvatron wrote: » I am, in fact, replacing calories with it rather than adding calories. I have talked to some real life people in my everyday life and they swear by it. One woman lost an extra 15lbs along with what she normally loses per month.
bulvatron wrote: » Wow. What a bunch of Debbie downers. Thanks for your opinions.
bulvatron wrote: » I've read of the many benefits of consuming coconut oil, or simply replacing some of your daily calories with it. Apparently, it is the most amazing thing ever! I started putting 1 tablespoon of it in my morning tea today and I plan I'm doing that until I reach 2 tablespoons a day. However, I am just curious if anyone has tried this for weight loss and if they have had any success? I've read some scientific research studies about it and it seems legit, especially when it comes to losing stubborn belly fat. Let me know your coconut oil stories! I'll share my journey as well:)