Looking for a life changer

I was a typical man in his 20's. I took life for granted. 5'6'' I have never been considered tall so when I would party and drink a few too many beers or hard drinks the carbs did havoc on my body. I never expected to be over weight because I don't crave things with sugar. But where candy bars, soda, and cake might be a demon for some, I embraced local cuisine of tex mex on a daily basis. Although my life style was being a dad my body was neglected and although I wasn't a alcoholic but I know now I drank far too often with no regards the amount of carbs coming in. I started ballooning in weight and I started to contemplate that I would need to do something about it, but never prioritized it in my life. Life kinda has a way of hitting you over the head. I was at my daughters school March of 2012 when at the age of 31 I thought I was having a heart attack. Rushed to the ER it was decided that was not the case but my blood pressure was all over the place. Weeks went by and a cardiologist identified I did in fact had a 90% blockage in my heart. Promised to fix it with a stent and I could make the changes needed to improve my quality of life. After the surgery we found out finding the blockage was a happy accident because the dizzy spells I got and continue having that sent me to the er we're not caused by the blockage. So my heart patched 3 specialist 1 year later I still get dizzy when I stand for more than 10 minutes. Test after test leads no where. On paper I'm not perfect but My the cholesterol is down, liver works, gallbladder is ok, tested for diabetes and passed. It's a mystery, but my new life is now plagued with dizzy spells. I spent a year becoming weaker and weaker. I have had it I am a father of two and take car of one all day. I would love to take my 3 year old to the zoo without worrying about getting dizzy. I am not the father I want to be. I don't want to have to depend on my wife to tag along in case I can't drive because I'm dizzy. The doctors are confused, and I am tired of waiting for the magic treatment to fix it. My cardiologist had already ok'ed me for working out and yet I have been terrified to train because I have no idea when to stop because if feeling dizzy is now normal how do you know if something bad is happening. But I just passed my 1 year anniversary of my heart stint and I still weigh over 230 pounds. It's time for a change. I already gave up alcohol last year after my first spell, and probably only had 6 deep fried items in 12 months, my blood pressure medicine can cause weight gain but that excuse only works if I am not trying my best. One week in walking on the treadmill and I am still getting dizzy, but I have a feeling I am at the start of a hill that can be conquered. I just did 3 miles in one hour day 7. I can sense my body ready for change. I use to be athletic, even ran track at one point. Yes at a whopping 5'6'' I was still fast enough to be on the A team. I know I can put in the effort, only now after getting over the fear. I guess I am introducing in hopes to find an extra support system.


  • Wow that was so long ago, doing better get dizzy less often and still haven't figured out exactly what it is. Had one doctor think he knew what it was but said it was all but impossible to prove.