100 pounds GONE FOREVER!!!

My story is typical of a lot of people here. I think the last time I was a normal weight, I was 5 years old. After years of yo-yo dieting, struggling with infertility, 2 rounds of IVF, a twin pregnancy and several major depressions I had reached 256 pounds (I’m 5’5”). I started in March of 2011 just trying to eat less and exercise. I was going at it blindly, I had no idea how much “less” to eat or how much exercise was “enough”. A friend introduced me to MFP and it just clicked. I never turned back!
Today I weighed in at 155 pounds!! I went from wearing a size 24 to a size 10!!


My whole lifestyle has changed and I will never go back to that person I was a year and a half ago. My family is healthier and happier. We are an active family now and my boys get to enjoy things like go swimming with their parents, bike rides, kayaking and hiking trips. My DH has been on this journey with me and has lost 72 pounds of his own. He is amazing and I love him so much and I am so proud of him too!!


It took me about 18 months. I had to change up what I was doing several times along the way. Right now I eat around my BMR and do 30 minutes of cardio 4 times a week and ST 2x a week. My daily diet is not perfect and I enjoy the occasional “free day,” but try not to go crazy. I hit “pause” and “reset” a few times, but I never, not once allowed myself to even consider giving up. Not for one second.

I’m just a regular person. I was overweight my whole life! I am a busy wife and mom, I work full-time. I love junk food and I still don’t particularly like exercise, but I am dedicated to a better life for myself and my family. I am 5 pounds away from “normal” and 15 pounds from my ultimate goal, something I never thought would be possible! Seriously, if I can do this anyone can! Don’t ever give up! Good luck to you all!!!



  • Such an inspiration!! My Husband and I are starting our weight loss journey together and I can't wait to share this with him later!
  • Awwww, this post made me so happy! I'm thrilled for the both of you. :blush:
  • Great story! Very inspiring & congratulations to both of you! I have a question- what did you do with your old clothes? Did you get rid of it? I did my loss I had to do & reached my ideal weight, look great, feel healthy, strong etc.... It took me 6months just to get them out of my closet. Now I keep them in boxes, 1year already, because I can't let it go. I don't think I will ever go back to old me but there is always "what if" I get somehow out of control again & I need it. Did you have the same issue?
  • Wow! Huge transformation! Amazing! Verrrrry inspiring. That's how much more I need to lose!
  • You both almost made me cry...
    you both look so happy...
    You both look absolutely fantastic...
    What a SEXY couple.......WTG
  • Thank you for sharing your inspiring story!! I am 2 months into my transformation but only started using MFP a month ago. My wife and I are trying to do a lifestyle change together. Hadn't got her on here yet but she's doing good on her own so far. Really hope to get her here soon. It's much easier to keep track! I started at 285 and am about 264 now. Since I'm only 5'10"...got a long way to go...but excited to finally be committed to the journey!

    Congrats to both you and your husband. Awesome accomplishments!
  • Thanks everyone, your kind words really brightened my day! If I can do it, anyone can. I have had a but of a set back with my maintenance but I'm still here and still going!

    Irena - I did get rid of ALL my clothes, except for the brown pants in my original post (just as a reminder). I can't/won't go back to those sizes!

    Chadisallin70 - my husband is 5'11' and was close to your starting weight in his before pic in my first post. His most recent pic he is about 210. Congrats to you and your wife, it's so nice to do together! I could not have done it without my husbands support! He didn't join MFP at first either, keep at it!
  • tmt2003 wrote: »
    Thank you! I have had some set backs but still manage to keep plugging along with my DH :smile:

    A more recent picture: