5' - 5'2" girls I want to hear your story and pics!

I'm 5'1" and 24 years old. Right now I'm at 169 lbs but I don't have a really goal in mind of where I want to be so seeing some pictures might help me know where I need to get. I feel like its hard to judge people's weightloss because many people are taller than me and 169 looks very different on even a 5'5" girl so I'd like to see some ladies around my size please. Thank you so much.


  • What a great thread! It's exactly what I needed for an inspiration boost!
  • Im 5 foot 2 ,was 161 and now 124 size 10 uk ,did go down to 112 but felt to skinny as was going into size 6 uk ,my aim is 118 :)
  • SW: 180lbs
    CW: 144lbs
    GW: 125lbs

    It took me about 6 months to lose the bulk of the weight but it's definitely slowed down since then. I'm still losing, just not as much as quickly. That's okay though because a loss is a loss. I track my food every day, work out when I can and I cut out fast food and soda/sugary drinks. I basically still eat whatever I want as long as I can fit it into my day. This has worked for me and I don't feel deprived.

    I hated my prom pictures so much... Especially because I had to take pictures next to my boyfriend's skinny sister. But they're the best befores I have. I look back at these and all I can think is "never again".



    Taken yesterday at 144lbs...

    My face has changed so much. This was taken two years ago.

    And some recent ones...


    You look beautiful in ur prom pictures :) And you looking amazing now, your waist got so tiny! Great job!
  • SW: 180lbs
    CW: 144lbs
    GW: 125lbs

    It took me about 6 months to lose the bulk of the weight but it's definitely slowed down since then. I'm still losing, just not as much as quickly. That's okay though because a loss is a loss. I track my food every day, work out when I can and I cut out fast food and soda/sugary drinks. I basically still eat whatever I want as long as I can fit it into my day. This has worked for me and I don't feel deprived.

    I hated my prom pictures so much... Especially because I had to take pictures next to my boyfriend's skinny sister. But they're the best befores I have. I look back at these and all I can think is "never again".



    Taken yesterday at 144lbs...

    My face has changed so much. This was taken two years ago.

    And some recent ones...


    You look beautiful in ur prom pictures :) And you looking amazing now, your waist got so tiny! Great job!
  • Here are mine so far! Middle is at 192 (already down 10lbs), left is at 182, right at 178. I am 5'2 and 23 years old. I haven't lost anything in 2 months but I want to lose another 30. Down a total of 26 so far; 202 SW to 177CW

  • 5' .5" I started out at 197 pounds. My range now is 112-125 (I've stayed within that range going on 5 years now)

  • I am 5'2" I have lost 25 lbs so far. I strated at 222 and now I'm 198. Weight has started to melt as soon as I started juicing.
  • 5ft 2ins here :smile: this thread has been a real inspiration! Well done all! Hopefully I can post my pictures once I hit my goal weight some day :smile:
  • I am 5'2" I have lost 25 lbs so far. I strated at 222 and now I'm 198. Weight has started to melt as soon as I started juicing.

    That's awesome! What does the rest of your diet consist of? I have started juicing as well and wanted to hear from someone else who is as well.
  • Wow love this thread!! ☺
  • You Ladies are very inspiring. Thank you for sharing! I'm 4' 11.5" CW121lb GW 107-110 Add me if you would like. Wishing you all fantastic results & Happy Healthy Days ahead! Keep it up!