Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !

edited December 2014 in Motivation and Support
Hello Everyone!

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- and provide excellent support and motivation for your personal weight
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This is not a group. This is an ongoing discussion of support and motivation and you can easily participate. There is no "joining" to do. Just post a comment! happy That's all it takes. Go to the last - most current page (600 and counting)and write a comment - whatever you feel like saying, and click the REPLY button. You will be welcomed by other people posting and hopefully you will return often. I try to send a welcoming message within a week of your first post.

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GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

Welcome to each and every one of you as you start this journey - Robin


  • Good morning everyone.

    Happy Bird Day!
    Bird Day

    Being in a good frame of mind helps keep one in the picture of health. ~Author Unknown

  • Morgori wrote: »
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Bird Day!
    Bird Day

    Being in a good frame of mind helps keep one in the picture of health. ~Author Unknown


    Bird Bird Bird is the Word...
  • @cblue315 - Killin' it, girl! I'm so impressed with your tenacity, both on the race track and off. Those flies, tho. *shudder*

    @NK1112 - I haven't done any of the assignments from the book yet, either, but I'm still reading. Lesson 15 today was a good one; lots of highlighting and nodding my head. Even without tackling the assignments yet, I'm sensing a mental shift about food and taking care of my body. In fact...

    ...I went out and bought the Amope pedicure thingy on Friday and had my own little spa night. :smiley: It worked a treat on the rough patches, then I soaked my feet for about 20 minutes, then moisturized with Gold Bond foot lotion. I even painted my toenails! Wore sandals all weekend without feeling cringey about my feet.

    Thank you all for your encouragement re: the messy emotional stuff. I wish I'd learned how to process emotions in a healthy way when I was younger, but better late than never!
  • Oh, is anyone signing up for the Premium MFP package that rolled out today? What's it like?
  • I survived the weekend...the fact that I blew Friday and Saturday, eating wise...I got back on the horse and Sunday I was alot better. I have 1500 as my calorie intake, but I really do much better within the 1100 and 1200 range. I struggle with eating enough to make the 1500 but then go over in other areas, salt, sugar, fats...I also do better when I have a bigger lunch then a small dinner. Last night though was a killer, I felt so hungry, but lasted to breakfast and had a hearty cereal. I have come to realize that it is a struggle to fix for my 16 yr old that is about 120 lbs... (needs to gain weight...but his disposition is long and lean) and my husband...(needs to eat with his increase in exercise, post liver transplant) there are alot of no no foods in the pantry. It is hard some days to be the chef, and not be tempted. I do try to eat first though, if its a simple fix salad, or a lean cusine, then I can do the meat and potatoes thing for them. It does help that I am mentally closing down the kitchen two hours before I go to bed. This starts my next day out with a bang of being hungry and eating a nice breakfast. Enjoy the day all! Today is a swim day for me. 20 mins of lap swimming :-)
  • oops I almost nerdy Navy son reminded me.....May the Fourth Be With You.....Star Wars rules.... :-)
  • Hi Everyone, Beautiful Monday here! Had a short 20 minute walk with my Yorkie/Shih Tzu, "Jazz", who is 14 now and loves to walk but according to our vet the 2.5 and 3 miles walks may be too much for her now. Especially with our heat and humidity here in SW FL. So sad not to be able to walk her that far as she really wants to do it and tries to pull/lead me in the direction for the longer walks. :( After the walk I rode my bide for a few minutes, speed 10 miles an hour for 15 minutes, then I ran out of time and had to get ready for the rest of my day. I'm thinking instead of walking Jazz that distance daily maybe on cooler, less humid days we could do it once in a while. We would both love that.

    @jtconst congrats on getting out of the 300's! You rock!

    @kah68 you may have said before but how far and how long do you ride your bike.

    @goinstd12 how much fun that your family is trying out for Family Feud and has make it this far. Fingers crossed that they get on the show. Trying to go back and check, you may know by now, I didn't find the first post where you said which days they would be doing the dress rehearsal. Good luck

    @NK1112 good luck with your plank challenge. I kind of bombed that exercise. Maybe when I'm down another 40 pounds or so I'll try it again. I have times when I also have a feeling of emptiness, I've heard all the suggestions, volunteer, exercise more, etc. etc. but after all is said and done, you have to have some down time and that seems to be when it hits me. It does help to come on here and catch up with everyone. I know I have a lot to be thankful for, I'm just not where I expected to be at this point in my life.

    @bunsbunny thanks for the "chin up" :)

    @Morgi and @ushkii thanks you two, Now I can't get it out of my head, A-Well-a Everybody's heard about the bird. Bird, bird, bird is the word..... LOL

    @robin if you (or anyone else for that matter) get a chance will you repost the suggested format for each day, i.e. Thursday, Truth day, etc. I thought I had saved a copy to my computer, but alas apparently that good intention went down the drain the last time you posted it. I promise I'll be good and save it this time! :wink:

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    @bapcarrier they are

    GOALS and IDEAS for daily posts (Not mandatory)

    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)
  • I'm off my time-clock somehow today. Actually just realized it's Monday ... check-in day for me. Good thing I weighed myself this morning. ... and was down from last week's weight ... however I'm not celebrating until I see where it is next check-in. For some strange reason my weight has been doing a hop-scotch dance from one day/week to the next ... couldn't possibly be because my calories have been hop-scotching also, could it? :)

    I found a video of showing a plank for beginners. It had you on your knees and elbows and then just extending one leg in the correct position ... This was after I couldn't lift my body up into the plank ... I thought there might be a different way to get into the position instead of from laying down. Maybe I should go back to just planking at the kitchen stove or the wall again for a while, but I really, really, want to do it on the floor.

    Today I tried to cut my lawn ... and the darned lawnmower ... that had been stored away after a tune-up would not start. It cranked a small chug, and that's it. I called a lawnmowing service to see what they would cost and someone will be out within the next 2 days to give me a quote. If it's too much, I'm just gonna go out and buy a new one! Would love a rider ... but my lot doesn't really warrant such a big machine ... my lot is only 1/3 of an acre total.

    Some asked if anyone is joining the Premium MFP ... I thought about it, but at $9.99 a month it's more than I want to spend. It'll be interesting to see how the services diminish overtime with the free app.

    Time to watch some TV ... g'night everyone.
    Follow-though Niki

  • I have not looked at the package and I am not sure if I will do it.

    Karen- I hope your shoulder is healing and that you are getting your range of motion back.

    Today, was a sugar high day for me. It started with doughnuts at school this morning without warning, then I had a cinnamon roll at lunch and a couple of doughnut holes after school. Then tonight, a friend invited me over for Cheesecake. The positive, I did go for a walk since I was not in the mood to exercise tonight. The walk was perfect.

    Going to call it a night, since I have a busy day tomorrow. I am heading back to the gym tomorrow so I will see what happen with the workout..

  • Did not get to go walking as of yet, but 7 pounds lost in almost 2 weeks. To be honest, some days I do not even lof6, because for the most part I know the amount of calories that I eat. I find that the alow and steady, with moderation is working for me.

    I hope to at least when I reach the 30 say mark, to have lost 10 pounds total. For the next two months I will be working 50 hour work weeks. So long days are in the future....but one day at a time.

    I want to do a 5k...but I am so self conscious of individuals ridiculing me, plus I have am overwhelming sense of not belonging.

    I have been scouring the Internet looking for healthy mock tails that I could drink for Cinco DE mayo. ...the want alcohol but can't have struggle.

    I am also looking for clothes to wear that can fit my body now, as well as in the future. Update...yep still searching.

    Well time for me to count sheep...
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    @Annr - May the Forth be with you too - ha! I said that a lot today - even wrote it on a check in the reminder area - just for a laugh - it was a check to a great niece who was graduating High School off in Colorado. Good catch for your Navy son.
    You've dealt out some good advice to others today but it sounds like you are frustrated yourself in the kitchen. Actually you are almost 100% in control in the kitchen what with you being done and closing it down 2 hrs before bedtime - I think thats very admirable. Pllus you are so strong for being able to eat your light meal of salad etc while fixing meat and potatoes for your thin son and your disabled hubby.
    You go swim and think about how well you're actually doing!

    @Melfornia - I didn't see anything about a Premium Package - I'll have to do some reading when I get a little spare time.

    @Skinny - I'm in a hurry for you to see that specialist for your shoulder (or scapula or whatever) too I hope the 19th comes asap. Hey is Cinco De Mayo being celebrated at school?

    @Laurie - swimming in open water is very different than swimming laps in pools - just as climbing a rock wall inside a building is different that climbing an actual rock outside. Perhaps you should plan to forgo maybe the next two triathalons. Just tell yourself you're not going to do them on account of the swimming. THen keep swimming laps , riding the bike and running. As the tri's dates pass you up, I think you will react one way or the other, happy or sad, and that reaction will tell you what you need to know about yourself. If you find you miss the tri's then you'll need to find some open water to practice in, which I'm sure your friends will be able to help you with.
    Laurie - is the aunt who passed away the one aunt who sort of wanted you to come live with her?

    well that's about all the personals I have time for right now, but ladies and gents you all seem to be putting your health up there as the number one priority in your life. Good for you. I support you 100%. Keep it up! With the milder temperatures don't you feel as if spring is rising in your own blood? If you are up before dawn, you can hear birds singing outside. Its quite invigorating. (How you say? just don't ever go to sleep...) :smiley:

    AFM - don't know if I mentioned this before, but I traded in my car and bought a new used car - a 2011 Malibu - now I'm trying to re-finance my house, and hopefully merge my car loan into my home loan, but right now the rates are not being kind to me - they are exactly the same as when I bought my condo 3 years I am just calling my lender every day to see if they drop or go up...

    My step-mom has made good progress at the Rehabilitation Center and on May 1st she moved from there to her final destination, the Masonic Home in her own home town, 40 minutes from me, but she is just 5 minutes from both her 2 kids. She is sort of crabby about how small her room is and how her furniture is arranged and how the food tastes and she doesn't get peaches often enough (so we are hiding them in her room) but she is very happy in that she has found 3 very nice ladies she has known over the years who are now living there as well.

    My step-sister has the awful burden of getting her mom's little but crowded place sorted out and furniture auctioned off and the place sold. I won't be involved in that. (thank the Lord for small favors)

    Some days I have been so busy I don't get my morning coffee in, and its quite upsetting but I make a point to do it whenever I come back home even if its late afternoon, so I'm trying to log it then. Like today, that's all I've had is coffe and a bagel and its already tomorrow at 1;40 am so I better get something in me that has some protein, and I'm guessing its either scrambled eggs again or cottage cheese again. Such is life in the great midwest.

    Another Drs. appt. tomorrow. Time hasn't stopped the swelling in my hands and feet. I'm on a diuretic this guy prescribes - maybe he can just make it stronger.

    I waited patiently for a letter from the Rheumatology Doc I saw 2 weeks ago to tell me his findings of all the x-rays he ordered of my hands, knees and feet-Well, the letter came Saturday.

    It read "I will defer reporting the x-ray findings for your regular doctor to go over with you when she returns, as you are scheduled to see her on June 30th. There are either changes of osteoporosis or degenerative arthritis. I will enclose a pamphet for you to read."

    BUT there was NO pamphet enclosed! So Monday I get to call the office and ask for that....I suspect I need surgery in my hands (my thumbs specifically - I can't open anything and I always imagine monkeys doing better than me when I wrestle with jars or pop-top cans) but I'm not sure about my feet. Thanks again, Doc.

    oh, here's some GOOD news. I'm flying to Sedona AZ, on May 26, meeting up with a girlfriend and staying at Forest Houses Resort, right on Oak Creek in Sedona, til June 2nd. I'll be off-line as the location does not have wi-fi or Cell-phone connections. Should be really relaxing. Was going to hike a bit, but my feet are shot, and until I know whats wrong with them (thanks Doc, ) I won't be pushing it. My girlfriend, (a very frustrated kindergarden teacher and ex post facto baby sitter of an extra 35or so non-English-speaking 5 and 6-year old immigrant kids) (who are all untrained and wild) (not saying the non-immigrant kids are docile tho) she is really looking forward to school being over!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I don’t think the premium package has rolled out to all members yet, its $9.99/mo or $49.99/year—it just started popping up for me this week, when I login. You get a few perks—it’s ad-free and more customizable, like adjusting what you see on your home page (i.e. calories or certain micro-nutrients left depending on how you set it up) and gives you access to more exclusive content (i.e. articles/tips). There are a few other perks, but those are what caught my eye. Between belonging to an expensive gym and my WW membership it doesn't make sense for me to upgrade.

    @annasgyal~Almost 7 pounds in two weeks is great, it looks like what you’re doing is working for you. Keep it up! :star: I used to feel the same way about walking/running outside or belonging to a gym, but I just had to suck it up and start living my life regardless of what other people thought—it turns out most people are just concerned with themselves and not what others are doing. You'd be surprised too at how many people (strangers) will support you and encourage you along the course. Don’t let your weight hold you back from something you want to do, do the 5k and have fun (that’s what it’s all about anyway). Maybe a friend would like to do it with you. :wink:

    @bapcarrier~I ride my bike for an hour 3 days a week—mileage depends on our pace but lately our distance averages 10-12 miles.

    @Niki~Good luck with the planks. When I started doing planks I started high and worked my way to the floor—first using the wall, then the counter in the kitchen, then the stairs and eventually the floor—now I can do side planks. :astonished: Your core will get stronger and stronger, so slowly work your way to the floor.

    @cblue315 (Lori)~Congrats on your first race, thanks for sharing the pics!

    @Tammy~Hooray for saying good riddance to the 300s! :star:

    @Annr~I was shocked at what I spent on groceries Sunday, I usually average around $85/wk but Sunday I spent $135 and still don’t know why since I didn't buy anything out of the ordinary! :grimace:

    AFM~Well, I had my first bike crash yesterday—the chain slipped off and down I went. Luckily just my pride was hurt, have a skinned knee (how old am I? :smirk:) and broke a few blood vessels in my hand—glad no one was around. :flushed: It was early in our ride but it didn't stop us. Chain is slipping a lot in first gear, so may need adjusting--I'll probably take it to the bike shop on Saturday for a look-see.
  • Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Teacher Day!
    National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May.
    An Arkansas teacher, Mrs. Mattye Whyte Woodridge, began corresponding with political and education leaders as early as 1944 about the need for a national day honoring teachers. One of the leaders she wrote to was Eleanor Roosevelt, who persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day in 1953.
    In the late 1970s, the National Education Association, its Indiana and Kansas state affiliates, and its local affiliate in Dodge City, Kansas, all lobbied Congress on behalf of creation of a national day celebrating teachers. Congress declared March 7, 1980 as National Teacher Day for that year only.
    NEA and its affiliates continued to observe Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985, when NEA and the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day.

    National Teacher Day

    National Teacher’s Day

    To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. ~Confucius

  • Thanks for all the kind words; it's nice to know I was missed but I'd have been better being here. Things are going ok so far. Working at my own pace, that sounds good. It's all been good so far; I can't think why I stopped, really.

    Things are well with us generally; my daughter's got a place at her first choice university, so that's nice. She has to get good grades in her public exams this summer though! They start next week; I'd like to say she's working really hard but she's not. And she's fretting about all her leavers parties and things at school. So that's no doubt a round of money-spending for me.

    @NK1112 : Niki, I never had a problem with the free app, so I'm not sure what I'd be spending the $9.99 for. If anyone is a premium member, can they tell us what it's like?

    @Lauriek70 : Laurie, I think sugar's such a problem; as soon as I have something sweet, I just want more.

    @annasgyal : My daughter talks about people ridiculing fat people when they're running. I think I just reckon that exercise is so good for you and makes you feel so good that a little bit of ridicule is worth it.

    @RobinsEgg : Robin, I was so worried when people said they hadn't heard from you in a while! So I'm glad to hear all is well. But that doesn't sound like a good report form the rheumatologist.

    I hope you're all having a wonderful Tuesday!

    -- Alison

  • anna-Do the 5K if you truly want to do it. They are fun and friendly to get out and exercise. You will see people of all ability levels participating in these events. Some will run others will walk, it does not matter how you choose to do it just do it is an accomplishment. There are supportive people all along the course especially at the finish line cheering you on, so just go for it.

    Robin- I am putting the triathlon's on hold for now. I need to obtain a few smaller goals at this point so I will be comfortable doing a triathlon. The first two on my list is learning to swim open water and riding open road. This will also help to decide what I want to do about competing.

    Kelley- I would have the chain looked at, it should not be slipping off like that or that often. Did it happen when you were shifting gears.

    Tom- Thanks for the reminder about National Teacher's Day and the history behind it. Hence the reason for the doughnuts and other sweet treats yesterday.

  • Robin- it is not the same Aunt who wanted me to live with her. That person is my Dad's cousin, who lives in Cambridge MD. This Aunt was my Mom's sister who lived around the corner from us then moved to Michigan a few years ago. The funeral was very nice today. It was nice to see family and reconnect with them while meeting a new cousin. I have not seen many of these people since my aunt's husband died about 7 years ago.

    Goals- I will continue exercising and eating correctly. I will take things in small steps instead of jumping in with both feet before looking. This may be easier said than done but I will do my best to take small steps to reach my goals.

    Exercise goals
    Monday- Walk DONE
    Tuesday- Trainer workout- Done
    Wednesday- rest
    Thursday- swim or gym
    Friday- climb
    Saturday- ???

  • @laurie-- sorry to hear about your aunt's passing. Regarding the tri--glad you made a decision about postponing it. I know it was stressing you out, so setting the goals to swim open water and road bike is smart. That will give you a better idea if you really want to do it.

    @ann-- Haha! May the fourth be with you was my mantra all day yesterday. I'm more team Star Trek than team Star Wars, but still nerdy enough to celebrate.

    @robin-- good to hear you step mom is getting settled into her new place. The trip to AZ sounds relaxing--enjoy!

    @tom-- thanks for the info on National Teachers Day. My school celebrates all week, so like laurie, it will be tempted with treats. Yesterday the Booster club provided breakfast and I indulged in half a chocolate chip muffin. Tomorrow we get Jamba Juice smoothies (I ordered the lowest calorie option available), Thursday there will be cake in the faculty dining room, and Friday the administration serves us ice cream sundaes. Today was the only day without food treats. Instead my department chair puts out a variety of fun post-its, binder clips, highlighters, etc. and we get to take whatever we'd like. English teachers are easy to please as we were all thrilled with the variety--I personally am drawn to the purple grading pens as well as highlighters for annotating books.

    Regarding the premium package--I have been getting the invites to join for about a week, but don't have any immediate plans to do so.

    Monday Check-in: (how am I still a day behind?)
    We had our 2 contract meetings with the union members (yesterday and today) and both went well. A few grumbles here and there, but nothing we weren't expecting. All in all, we're pretty confident the members will vote to pass the contract next week.

    Tuesday Goals;
    Still working through the essays. I handed back Lit Theory papers to all who are taking the AP exam tomorrow and will finish the rest tomorrow. I also made a small dent on the last in-class essays. Would like to finish those by Friday. Then all I'll have left is those junior research papers.

    Still not hitting my protein goal but staying close to allowance everyday. Hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow, then I will likely not run until my 8k on Saturday.

    I'm having some regrets about signing up for this 8k. Not b/c I don't want to run it--I do, but b/c it's so early in the morning. The race itself doesn't start until 9 am, but my race packet recommends we get there by 7:30 and it's downtown Chicago at Soldier Field which a bit over an hour drive. That means I will have to get up at 6 am which is NOT appealing to me. :(

    May Challenge:
    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: x/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 58/64 Lit theory papers
    2. 10/64 AP essays
    3. 8/60 JRPs
    4. x/60 Hemingway analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri--rest day

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • @Laurie & @Karen and the other educators out there, happy teacher appreciation day. You deserve it.
    @Laurie glad you've made a decision about the tri. No reason to put unnecessary pressure on yourself.
    @Karen good luck with your run.
    Congratulations to those who have recently run, too.
    @anna I did my first 5k in September and a 10k in February. I walked both. At 70+ years old and both artificial knees, I don't run. I really enjoyed both experiences. There were people of all shapes and sizes. If you want do it, go for it.
    A funny side note to that. A couple of weeks ago I was at a church event and saw a friend that I hadn't seen for a long time. She said, "I heard you ran a marathon". I laughed and assured her I had just walked a 10k. She said, "Well, its a marathon now."
    I have an appointment with a podiatrist on May 13. In the meantime, I am using my pedaler. My foot doesn't hurt nearly as bad if I don't walk, but I sure do hate not being able to walk in this beautiful weather.
    Onward and downward. Kaye

  • Ugh. You guys, I had fast food for breakfast and lunch. I'm so over it. Need to go to the store and buy some real food.