40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • "Day: 23 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Speed & Agility"=Done!
  • sdereski wrote: »
    webb - great race name "BadAss Dash".

    Heh ... because, of course, the first thing one thinks of when they look at my picture is "Hey! He's BADASS!" LOL
  • Natalie, no problem, like I said I was flattered! That pic was a couple of years ago, I've got about 7lbs to get back to that weight, but I'm aiming for more for size than weight, so we'll see if the change up in workout helps.

    Off to kettlebell tonight and managed to get to kickboxing last night, even though I didn't get out of the doctor's office until almost 4:45 (appointment was at 3:30). Felt so much better for getting there.
  • 2nd morning of 5:30a walk with puppy. Feels good! I beat my exercise targets for the week already (pretty paltry targets but still had been having trouble meeting them)! Swim classes tonight and puppy time, I may just get the weight to come off. Hit 8000 steps yesterday which my normal workday is a struggle to hit 3000 (small office, long commute, desk job). I guess it will be time to up my target goals.

    Caramel - hope things are returning to normal for you, as best it can be.

    Looking forward to getting out on our new SUP and seeing if this puppy is a swimmer. Probably have to wait until Memorial Day due to family commitments. Love seeing all the kayak photos. We canoe, kayak and tent camp in the summer with the kiddos.

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

  • Off to my maxstrength group class. BBs and DBs and cardio-avoidance. BOOM!
  • Good Morning to all of you amazing people! It is great to see everyone getting so much movement and enjoying the weather.

    I am setting my goals this week to work out at gym every day at lunch and workout at home on Saturday. I felt so awesome after my workout yesterday. Worked outside last night planting some seeds and getting my hummingbird, orioles, & finch bird feeders out of storage and set up.

    I love the Kayaking pictures Curious, please keep the pictures coming of your beauty!
  • Happy Tuesday Cool Kids,
    Last night was the first in a long time that I came in under my calorie goal! :p . I made a point of making time for meal planning and prep on Sunday, and have sworn off all alcohol until I hit goal weight. That, alone, is quite a motivator to get there! lol.
    Unfortunately I slept poorly, and 'postponed' my early a.m. workout to tomorrow - my usual rest day. I do have HardCORE at lunch today, so not a complete loss. Maybe a good hike in the forest after work today would be good too.
    I should have supplemented that kayaking pic with the disclaimer of "don't try this at home" ;) . I've been paddling with the same group of folks in the same waters for over a decade, and we're very familiar with the features, and with what to do when we find ourselves inevitably inverted. Also note the safety gear, including a helmet! It's amazing out there, but we're very respectful of the ocean.
    Ruby, I love orioles! There are Bullock's around here, but we rarely see them. What food do you use to attract them? Fruit eaters, right?
    Beeps, I love the "cardio-avoidance" term! Haha. It's amazing what you're able to do with the intense parental duties. I re-read your earlier post about talking yourself into it, and wish there was a "like" button!
    Nick, it sounds like you and your family enjoy a healthy lifestyle and get outside alot! My bf built a wooden SUP, but we barely use it. I think it's because there's only one. I love how well you can peer into the water from that height. Not to mention the amazing core workout you get from paddling one!
    Natalie, I was enjoying my oatmeal breakfast while reading about yours! I want to look like that mechanic ;)
    Sdereski, I'm so excited about your trip! It's such an amazing part of the world, and touring by bicycle is the best way to see it. I've also felt like arriving on a bicycle really enhances your social interactions along the way. Enjoy! Take pictures!!
    Caramel, I hope with the mellowing of trauma there that you are finding some peace. Thoughts are with you. If you ever come to the redwoods, I will happily host you on the ocean - you don't have to surf ;) .
    Webbeyes, you totally look like a bad *kitten*!
    Hello to everyone else!

    I hope you all find the inspiration you need today!
  • Lunch was 46 minutes walk/run on the treadmill 3.161 miles/5.08714 km
  • Sigh, the scale will not budge. Thankfully, it's not going up either. However, my clothes are fitting well, and I feel great. That's going to have to be enough today. Besides, it's Tuesday. I'll be pulling on the boot in a little bit and putting a few miles on the dance floor. Any day that has a little dancing in it, it a great day!
  • I made a point of making time for meal planning and prep on Sunday, and have sworn off all alcohol until I hit goal weight. That, alone, is quite a motivator to get there!

    When I get to Germany this summer, I totally am going to have a LEAN body and I am going to DRINK BEER IN GERMANY.

    The end.

  • BettyM1017 wrote: »
    However, my clothes are fitting well, and I feel great. That's going to have to be enough today. Besides, it's Tuesday. I'll be pulling on the boot in a little bit and putting a few miles on the dance floor. Any day that has a little dancing in it, it a great day!


  • Thinking of Fireball tonight...*glug*
  • Cardio-avoidance? Not today. An observation that came to mind this afternoon. You very rarely see an overweight ditch digger.


    But I did have help with my trenching.



  • Holy moly Laro, your back must be killing you! Mine is sore just looking at that! Very impressive.

    I dug up our 7x7 veggie garden and turned it over on the weekend and my poor back ached.
  • My dog is training me for a 5k. Every time I think of starting couch to 5k, I don't do it. But Missy walked the first morning, ran 3 minutes yesterday of our 35 minute walk, and 6 minutes today of it. I am going to have scout some new routes to add some more distance. Too bad scale isn't moving but it has only been a few days of increased activity.
    Larro - my garden could use some attention too!
    Beeps - where in Germany? I lived there as an exchange student in my senior year of high school and my 2nd child took first steps there last time we visited. Love it! Don't neglect german wine and sekt (their version of champagne) while you're there.
    Jackie - great walk.
    Curious - I hear you about coming in under goal. It's been a struggle this spring but I made it yesterday and working on a trend. (Also made it logging the whole day - good bad and all).

    Hi to everyone and make it a great day!
  • Happy Hump day! I just realized that I didn't post yesterday. Busy day. Not that today is not, but :/. Didn't make it to kick boxing last night. forgot some of my gear and when I stopped home to get it, I had a delivery from UPS to take care of since it was a large delivery in the way of other things. Life happens sometimes. I am off for the next couple of days. Will be spending tomorrow with Jake and then Friday is my birthday. No plans yet, but we'll see what transpires. My parents will be home from Florida by this weekend and we are all going to dinner on Sunday for Mother's day/birthday celebration. Food for the weekend is going to be a tough one, so I will have to get some exercise in there somewhere.

    Well, back to the grind. Have tons to do- have a great day all!
  • "Day: 24 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Strength"=Done!
  • Good Morning Cool Kids. I was up at 0530 to get back on the waterline project before it got too hot, but got sidetracked doing pre-cleaning lady cleaning. My back was a little sore this morning, but I want to finish this thing. I made a command decision and am going to get by with three rows of grapes and add a row of trees. Margie wants some apple persimmons, and I'm going to dig up more blueberry bushes. Hell, I may even buy a couple more. With my BIL discount they are only $5.00 at Lowe's.

    KS, in case I forget later in the week. Happy Birthday.

    Got to run. Hope everyone has a good day,

  • Larro, you are such a hard worker! Impressive!

    KS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week and celebration with your loved ones! Blessings!!

    Gam, you are killing your Insanity workouts!!!!

    Nickp, Missy sounds like the perfect exercise partner!

    I cancelled my gym membership yesterday. I'm paid for a month so I can still use it until June 5. I'm not using it as much as I thought I would. I got it mainly to use the pool but I only swim once a week and not even. There's a public indoor pool not too far from my house and the fee to use it is $4 so I will check it out in June. I have equipment at home for my workouts and I can always go outdoors for a walk etc.

    Have a wonderful day!!!!!
  • Alf, I did the same thing! I am more likely to workout at home than at a gym, and I'm seeing betting results! Besides, when you workout at home who cares if you wear a neon pink top with lime green shorts and purple socks, lol!

    Larro, you are always a gardening inspiration. I think I may have to grow okra this summer, thanks to you.

    KS, Happy Birthday!

    Gam3r, I'm seriously considering the Insanity Max 30 workouts. Oy, this is going to hurt!