40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are

Hello 40+ Club!!! This is the first post of the new thread!!! Hope you like the title!!! Thank Chris (whoheis) or complain if you dont like it. LOL

For those who would like to join: We are a group of 40+ (40 yrs and older) peope who like to stay healthy by eating clean, exercising, etc. We support each other by providing health info, giving each other ideas on how to be healthy as we get older. Feel free to join the conversation. We usually report our weightloss/ weight gain, inches lost, struggles, goals, etc on Fridays.

What are your fitness/health goals for this year??? For me, I have started a new lifting program, New Rules of Lifting for Women. I am on my second week. My goal is to become stronger, lose fat, get leaner. I overdid it (not surprising to me) during the Holidays so I have to lose a few pounds and inches...I also want to focus on my nutrition, especially increasing my protein consumption. I am a Zumba Instructor and will of course continue with teaching my 4 classes a week.

Have a great day!!!!! :flowerforyou:


  • This is for you Caramel and everyone else who was excited for me. Missy has already increased my activity level a whole lot. I was up at 5:30a to take her for a long walk in hopes the house will still be standing when I get home. She is bigger and stronger than I was expecting but a completely awesome dog. I couldn't have asked for more. Although shoes, stuffed animals, crayons, the remote, etc. are all in serious danger at the moment.
    Have a great day all.
  • Oh and I planted 9 berry bushes, tomatoes and strawberries yesterday. It has been a very busy weekend.
  • KellySue67 wrote: »
    It was such a great weekend, nice sunny days and not humid! My kind of weather! Hubby is doing pretty good. Still looking into getting some therapy at home

    Remember all these small "wins" when you have tough days.

    You are doing AWESOME, K.S!

  • That dog does look HAPPY!
  • Alright....I totally have to go lift today. And, I am not wanting to....so, today is a "talk myself into it", day.

    Here is how I talk myself into it:

    1. I still bring all my work-out clothes to the office. I can stare at them all day long, if I want.
    2. I have to go to the gym. I tell myself I need only spend "20 minutes" there....but it is non-negotiable that I have to go.
    3. When I get to the gym, I tell myself "you only need to do 2 sets of each exercise"....this isn't true, as I am supposed to do 3, but I give myself PERMISSION to only do 2 sets.
    4. When I get onto the first exercise, I talk myself into doing 3 sets of it. And I do that for each subsequent exercise.
    5. By the end, I have spent 50-60 minutes in the gym, and I give myself PERMISSION to stay 10 more minutes for a nice stretch.

    BOOM! Lifting done and I have talked myself through it. The "talking through it" expends energy....the "after glow" is ALWAYS worth that extra effort to get it done.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    Alf, I'm curious about your 5 day menu. Can you share? Funny story about the mamo. You must be so proud of yourself!
    Furballs, yes, your rest day sounds like mine! No "formal" exercise, but plenty of activity. Perfect!
    Beeps - your commitment is amazing. Are the headaches fading yet?
    GG - going strong with insanity!
    Jackie, sounds like a fun weekend with Kali. You're lucky to have each other! "Woot woot" & "Woof woof"
    Alisha, cool about the loss, but not so much the way you got it. Feeling better? I had just a tiny sliver of the pie I made -- knew it was organic & low sugar. Thanks for the encouragement. I did pretty good considering there was peanut butter pie there and I didn't touch it!
    Nicely said Ruby.
    Larro, your baby trees are adorable... are those the contraband oranges?
    KS, I just love hearing how everything is coming together for you and your hubby. Your weather sounds divine too!
    Beeps, great job on the personal pep talk!
    Nick, Missy does look strong! And happy! You won't really need that remote any more since you'll be out walking the dog.
    Welcome Dawn.
    Webbeyes - cool about starting up running again! It's great that it's feeling good after all this time. Which race will you run?

    I was able to kayak both days this weekend. Saturday took some co-workers out on the bay. Everyone had fun, and nobody fell in, so totally successful! Sunday was 'regular' kayaking in the ocean - always fun. I've started this week with a structured menu - includes lots of apples! Making a serious push to cut down these last 15 stubborn lbs.
  • Just got an email from a paddling friend who got a shot just as I was catching a wave off of "Smack Wall". It's a spot on a headland that catches the deep water swell with a big "smack" and sends back a rebound wave that can be surfed if conditions are just right.
  • Happy Monday Kids...Hope all of you had a great weekend.

    Today is 680 days on MFP. Yippee.

    I am feeling better today and look forward to my run and extreme fit. Friday my PT took it to me and I love when I am challenged. I have 2 races that I really need to kick it in gear and train for. I did buy some new gym clothes over the weekend. Funny how your focus can shift when you really put your mind to something. In the beginning I DESPISED shopping for gym clothes due to the size of them. Now I feel better about shopping. I now have to graduate to being THRILLED about shopping for work out clothes(lol).

    Thanks to all of you who kept me in their thoughts during Maryland's turmoil. It is appreciated.

    Nick--You know I am tickled to see your new photo of Missy. I am so happy for you. She is BEAUTIFUL.

    Beeps--You rock....LIFT HEAVIER

    KellySue--Thanks for thinking of me...You know I was tickled at the thought of so many animals in one spot. You had a variety of workouts over the weekend. My neighbor has 2 horses that I absolutely love to pieces.

    Alf/CG/Larro/Jackie/3furballs/Sdereski---Hugs to you all.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Just got an email from a paddling friend who got a shot just as I was catching a wave off of "Smack Wall". It's a spot on a headland that catches the deep water swell with a big "smack" and sends back a rebound wave that can be surfed if conditions are just right.

    CG----Can you say I am so jealous and want to be a part of this awesome adventure club you are sponsoring.......YOU ROCK
  • Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    Webbeyes - cool about starting up running again! It's great that it's feeling good after all this time. Which race will you run?

    I was able to kayak both days this weekend. Saturday took some co-workers out on the bay. Everyone had fun, and nobody fell in, so totally successful! Sunday was 'regular' kayaking in the ocean - always fun. I've started this week with a structured menu - includes lots of apples! Making a serious push to cut down these last 15 stubborn lbs.

    I'm running in the "BadAss Dash" - kind of a mini-Spartan race from what I can see. It raises funds for AutismSpeaks, which is near-and-dear to our family, as my daughter is on the Spectrum.

    I miss kayaking ... although I was more of a river-kayaker as opposed to ocean. Picked up a used canoe last year, so I intend to get it on the water soon.
  • Hi all.
    Curious - great picture of you surfing that wave!

    Everyone sounds like they are doing well with their workouts! Great job!

    The Community Walking Challenge that I organize officially starts today - 7 week challenge, that takes us on a virtual walk through Europe. We far surpassed our goal of 25 teams again - even surpassed last year's numbers. We are at 36 teams and counting. that is 36 teams of 12 = 432 people. Not bad for a town of less than 3000. :smile:

    webb - great race name "BadAss Dash".

    My bicycle trip is through Holland. I fly out on Sunday, land in Amsterdam, pick up my bike and start cycling to Gouda for my first night stay (this is where I meet up with my g/f). Then our trip takes us west and we continue North, cycling back down the east side of the country. Fingers crossed weather cooperates, as we are tenting some nights.
  • That paddling picture looks WAY too dangerous for me! Holy smokes....that is MILES outside my comfort zone!!

    I am scared for you, curiousG!

    Caramel - HAPPY 680! BOOM!

    webbeyes - great that you are raising funds for a cause that is close to your heart.

    sdereski - huh? Here you are!!! I cannot wait to hear about your trip through Holland. We will be in the Netherlands for about 8 days in July (not biking....but boating down the canals!)
  • Just came back from my lifting workout. Circuits, today - 10-to-1's. Whew! Tough, but I got it done.

  • Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Alright....I totally have to go lift today. And, I am not wanting to....so, today is a "talk myself into it", day.

    Here is how I talk myself into it:

    1. I still bring all my work-out clothes to the office. I can stare at them all day long, if I want.
    2. I have to go to the gym. I tell myself I need only spend "20 minutes" there....but it is non-negotiable that I have to go.
    3. When I get to the gym, I tell myself "you only need to do 2 sets of each exercise"....this isn't true, as I am supposed to do 3, but I give myself PERMISSION to only do 2 sets.
    4. When I get onto the first exercise, I talk myself into doing 3 sets of it. And I do that for each subsequent exercise.
    5. By the end, I have spent 50-60 minutes in the gym, and I give myself PERMISSION to stay 10 more minutes for a nice stretch.

    BOOM! Lifting done and I have talked myself through it. The "talking through it" expends energy....the "after glow" is ALWAYS worth that extra effort to get it done.

    I needed this today. Thanks Beeps!!!! I just got back from lunch work out, cardio for 20 minutes and then did a leg workout. I was struggling with making it until I read your post :)
  • Beeps, way to talk yourself through the workout. I usually put my gym clothes on as soon as I get home and make sure I don't sit on the couch! That way I make sure I go.

    Nick, sounds like the new addition will keep you busy.

    Curious, you make me want to try kyaking, I've never been.

    Caramel, glad you are feeling a bit less stressed. I love beyond new workout gear, getting to wear something nice is a good motivator.

    Sdereski, that sounds like an awesome trip. Hope the weather Co operates!

    Off to Kickboxing tonight. Need to get some energy, gonna have to work hard this week, rather enjoyed the Rolling Rock and Crabbies black cherry this weekend, as week as the mint m&ms, weekends are my down fall!
  • 3furballs wrote: »
    Beeps, way to talk yourself through the workout. I usually put my gym clothes on as soon as I get home and make sure I don't sit on the couch! That way I make sure I go.

    That is a GREAT idea!

    Me walking in the door at my house means screaming kids, a nanny who wants to go home, a hot meal, and IMMEDIATE chauffeur activities on the horizon.

    Meaning: NO CHANCE for working out. DOOMED.

  • Hello to all, so glad it seems everyone is doing well.
    Furballs so glad your test turned out well, and awesome that the dr's noticed what great shape you are in and commented on it, I am sure they are usually not seeing muscles on very many patients, especially women.
    Speaking of muscles on women, my husband and son and I went to Conniticut for the weekend for a tractor show and saw a small local town car show and stopped in to check it out. 14 year old son is all about the cars. There was a woman there, proabably late 20's and was tall and all muscles, she walked around the park like she was looking for someone, and had grease on her jeans and looked like a mechanic. It was so weird, my husband even commented on it and said man she looks like she's ready to kick someone's butt. she didn't see who she was looking for and drove off in a loud truck, but man, she was a pretty woman, but she totally could of kicked my husband's butt and he's 6'4" tall. I think most of it was how she carried herself, like she was on a mission to find someone. She could of been Arnold Swartznegger's younger sister or something.
    Anyway, it was nice to get away, but not so easy to eat as good as I had been. I didn't get my regular excercises in but walked a ton, got a little too much sun and got burnt. Back to my regular routine and all that today.
    Carmel I can't believe you've done 680 days, holy cow, you rock. Hopefully soon thing will get better in your area of the world. I just wish people would be respectful of each other and realize that they are making a bigger problem. They are using a terrible thing to justify their crimes. They are making it worse, hopefully these things quit happening period.
    Curious George, I would be scared too of all that water moving so fast too. My idea of kyacking would be a small lake somewhere with a few ducks her and there and not a lot of waves. You are brave or crazy?? I am glad you are enjoying it and sharing it with us, it just looks kind of unreal to me. It looks like a beautiful place though.
    Larro, the garden looks beautiful. I love the picture of the cat drinking, so funny.
    The hotel we were in had a continental breakfast and had the bowls of oatmeal you add the water to, and had raisins and walnuts to add to it and a cinnamon shaker too. It was so good, I forgot I liked it so much. It was the maple and brown sugar kind, I kind of get in a rut of eating the same thing for awhile, so it was kind of nice.
    Well everyone, you're all doing so great, keep up being awesome. I have to talk myself into excercising too most of the time, but am usually glad I did, or glad it's over when I am done depending on the day. I know I need to do it to see results, so I keep doing it. Have a great week everyone.
  • Natalie, wasn't me at the doctor but I'm flattered you thought it was me!

    Beeps. My kids aren't in any activities which I feel bad about and may change with time. My oldest is almost 10 so he stays home and the girls come with me. My husband has been picking me up at work so we can get to 5pm class, but with good weather coming I'll be biking and meeting him there. If our kids do take something we try to make it weekends or all one night. I think I'm a bit selfish in that I want to work out most every night. I'm hoping my kids will get into the few activities offered at school.

  • Sorry about that, I got you mixed up. You do look great in your picture though. I still don't like pictures of myself at all. I thought this one would be good, but it's blury on here for some reason. I will have to see if my daughter can figure it out for me sometime.
  • Curious, I'm going to try to post the meal plan. It was a Facebook private group. You are sooooo adventurous!!!!

    Caramel, congrats!!!!!

    Nickpnh, Missy is gorgeous!!!!

    KS, glad hubby is doing well. You are super woman!!!!! Take care!

    Sdereski, good hearing from you! Your trip sounds like so much fun!

    Natalie, the muscle story was me. LOL thanks! I was flattered. I was just happy to hear that my body is showing the hard work over the years at least internally. I think that is what's most important. Looking good on the outside is the icing on the cake but the main goal should be to have a healthy body on the inside.

    Good night!!