Looking for recipes
Hi All
I am so in Need of Recipes. For the morning an Lunch. That can hold me over tell the next meal. You see I have to taking everything with me were ever I go and I dont have fast stuff to go so it get hard for me alot of time. Or make ahead of time and still be good when I can get around to eatting it.
Thank You All
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2 ingredient pancakes
Eggs and toast with sausage and hashbrown
Lunch: Burrito bowl or chicken breast or leftover dinner.
Refrigerator oatmeal
prepared the night before. I use more yogurt and less oatmeal.
You can use the same
mason jars for salads
for lunch. It's getting to be salad season again.
I made up some
burrito filling
and put it in six inch whole wheat wraps, closed them with a toothpick and put them in the freezer. I can grab a burrito (in a ziploc) and by lunch it's thawed.
Overnight oats are super convenient and quick
I drink Shakeology for breakfast. Keeps me full longer and gives me more energy. If I don't feel like drinking one, I make a egg white omelet with veggies in it. (Usually mushroom and kale). The Pinterest app has tons of helpful recipes and much more. I use it every day for ideas
you can find a bunch of recipes that you can prep and freeze until you need it too. I meal prep every Sunday and just put most of the meals until a day or two before I'm going to eat it. Helps tremendously! Good luck.
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