JustinAnimal wrote: » This is a harder question than pirate or ninja!!! I refuse to even answer. I couldn't imagine giving up any one of them and, well, the one I'm considering... it's almost IMPOSSIBLE TO CONSIDER!
JustinAnimal wrote: » For all of the wine haters on here, I'm going to guess that you've only drank grocery store wine before. Is that right? I feel so bad for people who don't drink wine. Having a nice, inky petite syrah or a big, jammy zin or a smooth, delicate pinot noir that smacks of cola and vanilla and... dear god, you must try something not purchased at your local grocery store and certainly not something in a 1500 ml bottle. Some of the grocery store wine is okay, but you have to experiment and know your stuff. My mother swore off wine until I took her tasting at our local wineries and WE LIVE IN FRIGGIN' IDAHO! Not exactly a wine region, but locally / craft made wine tastes so much better than commercial stuff. GIVE IT A TRY! You don't know what you're missing! Or you've tried this stuff and just genuinely don't like wine. In which case, ignore this and apologies.
FluffySandwich wrote: » Cheese. Definitely. I can't even begin to describe how insane I'd have to be to give up chocolate, and wine I enjoy more than cheese.
Imback257 wrote: » FluffySandwich wrote: » Cheese. Definitely. I can't even begin to describe how insane I'd have to be to give up chocolate, and wine I enjoy more than cheese. Lol!!! Let's hope you never get that insane then. Lol. For me..... chocolate. Sorry!
FluffySandwich wrote: » Imback257 wrote: » FluffySandwich wrote: » Cheese. Definitely. I can't even begin to describe how insane I'd have to be to give up chocolate, and wine I enjoy more than cheese. Lol!!! Let's hope you never get that insane then. Lol. For me..... chocolate. Sorry! To each his own! I started second guessing myself after I posted... not because I would give up chocolate (of course not!), but because I started remembering how delicious brie cheese is. And camembert... and rich blue cheese on a burger... so it would either be wine or cheese. I think it would be painful to give any of them up, personally!
JustinAnimal wrote: For all of the wine haters on here, I'm going to guess that you've only drank grocery store wine before.
borst14 wrote: » Can I give them all up?