Chocolate, cheese or wine?

This is just for fun. It generated a suprisingly lively conversation at work, so I'll ask you:

If a genie appeared to you and said you could have all the wishes you wanted, but in return you had to give up one of these forEVER!




Which one would you give up?


  • Chocolate!
  • Cheese.
    *old me looks at new me like I'm insane*

    I am surprised by how many would give up chocoloate.
  • I think I could give up chocolate if my arm is twisted..but cheese is easier to give up.
  • This is a harder question than pirate or ninja!!! I refuse to even answer. I couldn't imagine giving up any one of them and, well, the one I'm considering... it's almost IMPOSSIBLE TO CONSIDER!

    I'm with you on this one. What a horrible question. Chocolate would definitely have to stay so it's between cheese and wine but pizza is crappy without cheese and I love a good glass of wine
  • I like all of them but i will give up chocolate
  • I guess wine since I rarely drink anyway. I like protein and love chocolate so wine can go.
  • Wine, cannot stomach the smell or taste of it.
  • For all of the wine haters on here, I'm going to guess that you've only drank grocery store wine before. Is that right? I feel so bad for people who don't drink wine. Having a nice, inky petite syrah or a big, jammy zin or a smooth, delicate pinot noir that smacks of cola and vanilla and... dear god, you must try something not purchased at your local grocery store and certainly not something in a 1500 ml bottle. Some of the grocery store wine is okay, but you have to experiment and know your stuff. My mother swore off wine until I took her tasting at our local wineries and WE LIVE IN FRIGGIN' IDAHO! Not exactly a wine region, but locally / craft made wine tastes so much better than commercial stuff.

    GIVE IT A TRY! You don't know what you're missing!

    Or you've tried this stuff and just genuinely don't like wine. In which case, ignore this and apologies.

    I used to enjoy a glass every now and then. One night I got sick after drinking two glasses of wine (I didn't over-indulge, I had a bug) and I just cannot stand any part of it now.

  • Cheese. Definitely. I can't even begin to describe how insane I'd have to be to give up chocolate, and wine I enjoy more than cheese.
  • Cheese. Definitely. I can't even begin to describe how insane I'd have to be to give up chocolate, and wine I enjoy more than cheese.

    Lol!!! Let's hope you never get that insane then. Lol. For me..... chocolate. Sorry! :(
  • Wine.....but never long islands!
  • Imback257 wrote: »
    Cheese. Definitely. I can't even begin to describe how insane I'd have to be to give up chocolate, and wine I enjoy more than cheese.

    Lol!!! Let's hope you never get that insane then. Lol. For me..... chocolate. Sorry! :(
    To each his own! I started second guessing myself after I posted... not because I would give up chocolate (of course not!), but because I started remembering how delicious brie cheese is. And camembert... and rich blue cheese on a burger... so it would either be wine or cheese. I think it would be painful to give any of them up, personally!
  • Imback257 wrote: »
    Cheese. Definitely. I can't even begin to describe how insane I'd have to be to give up chocolate, and wine I enjoy more than cheese.

    Lol!!! Let's hope you never get that insane then. Lol. For me..... chocolate. Sorry! :(
    To each his own! I started second guessing myself after I posted... not because I would give up chocolate (of course not!), but because I started remembering how delicious brie cheese is. And camembert... and rich blue cheese on a burger... so it would either be wine or cheese. I think it would be painful to give any of them up, personally!

    Stop! Making me hungry now. Lol! Screw this, you're right. I'm not giving up any. Lol
  • To give up? Wine. Can do without that.
    Cheese makes almost everything taste better.
    And you can have my chocolate when you pry it from my cold, dead, chocolate-smeared hands.
  • For all of the wine haters on here, I'm going to guess that you've only drank grocery store wine before.
    I've had wine in Italy, and England, and France, and Germany, and at wineries in the USA. Even did a
    wine tasting at the Biltmore estate, which was really nice; wish I could have afforded several cases
    to be shipped home.
    Also, yes, plenty of US-made wines bought in a variety of venues.
    It's not that I hate wine, but of the 3 choices given it would be the easiest to go without.

  • Can I give them all up?
  • borst14 wrote: »
    Can I give them all up?

    No - well not for this particular question.

    How could anyone give up chocolate! OMG chocolate rocks! I do understand (having made it since I was a kid). But still, nothing like a great pure dark chocolate bar for dessert.
  • Would totally give up wine, not a fan of wine at all.
  • Easy choice, wine!
  • You can have my chocolate, wine, and cheese, when you pull them out of my cold dead hands!