What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • livityliv wrote: »
    Did my first half marathon! It was slow as all get out, and I did the whole thing in walk-jog intervals, but I did it and had a blast! (And only suffered one blister!)

    Well done! You must feel on top of the world right now!
  • I came back from holiday in Japan and ended up losing 2 kg and 5% body fat. Normally when I get back from a holiday, I have gained 5 kg or more!
  • ...
    And just to make me feel even better, the nice lady was so pleased with her designer bargains she gave £200 to the Nepal Earthquake appeal :smiley:
    THIS! Well done!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    MKEgal wrote: »
    toriraeh wrote:
    My current NSV is that, according to BMI, I'm OVERWEIGHT! Not obese anymore!
    I love that I can come on here and say that and you guys GET IT.
    LOL! Yeah, only people who have 'been there' understand why it's so great to only be overweight.

    ALSO my husband made the comment that I can stop losing whenever I want because he thinks
    I look incredibly healthy. It's bogus, I still have about 30 lbs to lose, but so sweet of him to say.
    I've had a couple people tell me I should stop losing now (have about 20 lb to be at the top end of
    a healthy BMI), one of whom was a doctor! I think our perception of normal/average has been so
    skewed by the obesity epidemic that we can't recognize healthy any more.

    That is so interesting! I think you are right that we are skewed on what healthy actually looks like between the obesity epidemic on one side on glossy mags on the other. My goal is to get down to the athletic range, not just in the normal range so I am sure I will start to get those comments too. Maybe the people who say those things are also a bit upset by those of us who show them what is possible that they themselves are not doing?
  • MKEgal wrote: »
    toriraeh wrote:
    My current NSV is that, according to BMI, I'm OVERWEIGHT! Not obese anymore!
    I love that I can come on here and say that and you guys GET IT.
    LOL! Yeah, only people who have 'been there' understand why it's so great to only be overweight.

    ALSO my husband made the comment that I can stop losing whenever I want because he thinks
    I look incredibly healthy. It's bogus, I still have about 30 lbs to lose, but so sweet of him to say.
    I've had a couple people tell me I should stop losing now (have about 20 lb to be at the top end of
    a healthy BMI), one of whom was a doctor! I think our perception of normal/average has been so
    skewed by the obesity epidemic that we can't recognize healthy any more.

    That is so interesting! I think you are right that we are skewed on what healthy actually looks like between the obesity epidemic on one side on glossy mags on the other. My goal is to get down to the athletic range, not just in the normal range so I am sure I will start to get those comments too. Maybe the people who say those things are also a bit upset by those of us who show them what is possible that they themselves are not doing?

    I'm getting thosr all the time now, I'm 5'3, 123 lbs, so, I'm within the healthy range.
  • 50-pound barbell plates. I am owning those bad boys.
  • I completed my first ever 5K last Friday!! It was awesome! Also, I've dropped a pant size!
  • This morning I woke up very sore and in a lot of pain as well as very tired from a fitful and restless night. I also didn't wake up early enough to make/eat my healthy go to breakfast before my 2 1/2 year old woke up...I was ready to just grab a quick bowl of cereal even though I know it wouldn't set me up for the day right (if I want cereal I'm better off having it for lunch or dinner). By the time I got my daughter ready and started making her breakfast I had talked myself around to taking the few extra minutes to make my perfect breakfast! I was so very pleased with myself as I was wondering just yesterday if how I would handle a "bad" day. This wasn't the worst day I've ever had by a long shot and in a few weeks I will be suffering from newborn induced sleep deprivation and figuring out how to be a mommy of two...but today seemed like a training session that showed me I could do it today....and that makes me feel more prepared to do it when things get REALLY hard. :smiley:
  • I managed to do some of the high knee runs during a gym class. Normally either my boobs or my stomach bounces about too much to do it comfortably. Clearly the new sports bra and stomach toning sessions are paying off :smile:
  • New jeans that were a bit snug a week ago, are now falling off my butt.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I've walked more than 500 miles since I started using my Fitbit in Mid-January.

    (Oh! and I've lost over 18 inches across the 8 points I measure.)
  • yafashelli wrote: »
    My "skinniest" size clothing is starting to hang on me, which is awesome because a lot of this stuff was around before my son was born (he's 7)! :) The weight loss comments are starting to come from everywhere, now that I'm wearing my "old" stuff! :D

    I bought myself a pair of really form fitting jeans, and jean capris, knowing that they look awesome. :flowerforyou: I feel excited to wear my summer clothes for the first time in MANY years.

  • I was given a pair of uniform pants 4 years ago that were too small then and I continued to get larger. I'm wearing them today for the first time!!!
  • Being able to successfully resist having a slice of the best buffalo chicken pizza (made with boneless wings) so late at night after eating well and working out. Now, tomorrow may be another story...
  • BeinG able to dress yourself standing up. When out of shape needed. To sit down..Amazing! !Like a kid again!
  • National Teacher Appreciation Day was Tuesday this week, and the superintendent had chocolate cakes delivered to each school in the district to express her gratitude. My dept head also brought in bagels and cream cheese. SO HAPPY that I didn't eat either of them, but DAMN the cake looked yummy!!
  • My skinny jeans are now baggy, and the size 8 shorts I bought a few weeks ago are too loose
  • On my birthday, yesterday, I resisted eating every piece of chocolate that was given to me... anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE chocolate. Instead, I ate almonds and two triangles from the Toblerone bar my hubby got me (one of my fav's). I didn't have a fail day with the "birthday" excuse I've always used before! :smiley:
  • I know I have seen this on here about a 100 times but then it happened to me today.
    I can use a regular towel at the gym. It wraps all the way around!!!!! B)
  • Today, started out bad putting me in the way of wanting to negatively emotional eat (wanting to comfort)...then I had a midwife appointment that went STELLAR (a scale victory)...which put me in the way of wanting to positively emotional eat (wanting to celebrate)! My NSV is that I resisted the urge to do either even though morning errands brought me within smelling distance to Starbucks, soft pretzels and pizza and afternoon errands put me in smelling distance of almond croissants and chocolate chip cookies!