What's Your Most Recent NSV

My most recent NSV is taking a selfie with my daughter and seeing dimples again! I have hated how I've looked for so long and I actually don't hate this picture and my dimples are back. Can't remember the last time I saw those, I know it was when a Bush was in office! Even the fact that I was willing to take a selfie is a NSV in itself. I really needed that motivation, too. Have been becoming complacent recently, so thank you God!

What's your recent NSV?


  • melissaw78 wrote: »
    DD14 had her first 2 softball games this week. She was bummed out over her performance so far. To give her a somewhat funny motivation, I told her that everytime she gets a base hit, Mom will drop and do 10 pushups, no matter who is watching.
    She can't wait for Monday afternoon's game.

    At any rate, it's a NSV because it just popped out of my mouth and I was surprised that the thought of it did not intimidate me at all.

    This is brilliant.

  • I had one scoop of ice cream this weekend..typically I have 1-2 pints.

    AND I bought some workout clothes in my usual size (online). When I tried them on a few days ago I realized I need to size down :D .
  • I put on some cropped jeans today to work in the garden. Last year I couldn't do them up, today when lugging about bags of gravel they were falling down! :)
  • cdcllcga01 wrote: »
    On Saturday walking home from the gym, my wife (who's lost 20 lbs so far) said to me, "I'm so glad we are doing this together; I'd have never done this alone." I know she could have, but it was still great to hear.

    Having someone who understands and supports you makes all the difference. great work both of you - and keep it up!
  • A few months ago, I ran a mile for the first time in my LIFE. I had been very overweight since I was probably 6 or 7, and got tired even walking a mile. It was the best feeling in the world... it may not seem like much, but it was amazing for me.
  • Today I made brownies for my husband, and while I only ate one, I ended up messing up my calories badly with the leftover chocolate chips. Rather than going crazy because "the day is already blown, so let's eat the whole house and start again tomorrow!" (like I ALWAYS do)... I STOPPED EATING, calculated the damage already done, and found that I can fix it by tomorrow if I do an hour of exercise on top of my regular deficit. Win! :)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    Two Christmas' ago my sister bought me two pairs of shorts from LaSenza, they were size Mediums. I tried them on and they looked awful, they were tight on my hips and tummy and squeezed my thighs...

    Last night I was in my drawer looking for something to wear to bed and I pulled out a pair of those shorts. Scared I decided to pull them on expecting the worst. Not only did I get them on but they were too big in the thighs AND I had to use the draw string so that they wouldn't fall off! I have only lost about 10 lbs so far but the scale hasn't budged in a while. This felt great!

    Don't always trust the scale.. :)
  • Being complimented on how I look by people in shops i usually go in, and by people at work. I've lost 17lbs and they all say my face has changed quite a bit. I don't see it myself, but they do.
  • spacelump wrote: »
    My greatest achievements are the ones that happen inside, first and foremost. Most recent NSV?

    I let myself eat everything I wanted for 24 hours. I decided I wanted to enjoy my mini vaca and gave myself permission to do eat. I ate very nutrient dense foods and some, not so much. The victory you ask? Well, after my day of allowing food and not requiring forgiveness for said eaten food, I went for a long walk with a pup and age as usual. For me, sticking to my goals is a huge victory. Not feeling guilt for my off track day is utterly freeing.

    I could get use to this objective vs emotional view on food, eating and tracking.

    This is such a powerful NSV. Good for you! I have a tough time guilt tripping myself if I go over, it can be so emotional. Keep it up, and thank you for the inspiration!

  • Fit into clothes pre-pregnancy, been four years since I fit into them. Can walk up the stairs without panting.
  • Size 10 sports bra!!!!!!!!!!!! Unbleepingbelievable
  • the last two weeks doing laundry my favorite pair of jeans ended up in my 14 yr old son's jean pile by mistake. Had to go hunting for them.
    I am only down 23 lbs but haven't been this weight for probably 3-4 years.
    Am needing to weed out my clothes to spring and summer things that will fit and get rid of all winter because I know I won't be a Large or XL next winter keeping up with my new routine. Most of the clothes I really don't like anyway. I tried on some capri's I bought a year and a half ago for a trip to AZ, and they are all too big, and gave them to my daughter to try and they were too big for her too. I want to slowly the next week or two go through all the clothes and get rid of stuff. I don't ever want to be that size again.
    I hadn't been eating fried foods for months, had a corndog this weekend and it was weird eating something greasy, there was unfortunately nothing healthy to pick from. Things that used to taste good, don't taste as good as you remember.
  • Running a mile in 13 minutes and 9 seconds....better than I did before at 14 minutes and 47 seconds.
  • I wore a pair of pants today that were falling off me. I had to belt them but they were loose everywhere. At work I suddenly realized I hadn't worn these since I started losing weight. Last time I wore them I had regulated them to the "hooker" pile - clothes so tight they made me look like a hooker. I was totally psyched.
  • Running a mile in 13 minutes and 9 seconds....better than I did before at 14 minutes and 47 seconds.

    That is great! Congratulations!
  • I mentioned to a friend that I was going to have an old dress tailored for a wedding mid June. She asked what size it was and I said "20, but I think I'm about an 18 now". She gave ma a look and said " no, you're a 16"

    Whateves lady.

    Fast forward and I'm looking at a dress online. Only ones left are size 16. I figure I might me 16 by mid June, let me measure and find out how off I am.

    I'm half an inch *smaller* than 16. Now I'm wondering if I'll even fit this dress by mid June!
  • I went to a woman's conference this weekend and had to climb two flights of stairs several time a day to get to my seat. In the past I would have taken the elevator, but I walk the stairs every time and wasn't gasping for breath when I reached the top. Nor did I have to stop because I didn't have the strength to continue to climb. That's what losing 88 lbs did for me ! A huge NSV for me.
  • Did my first half marathon! It was slow as all get out, and I did the whole thing in walk-jog intervals, but I did it and had a blast! (And only suffered one blister!)
  • allyyyson wrote: »
    A few months ago, I ran a mile for the first time in my LIFE. I had been very overweight since I was probably 6 or 7, and got tired even walking a mile. It was the best feeling in the world... it may not seem like much, but it was amazing for me.

    Good for you!!! I have a runner's heart in a non-running body...but I'm working on it!
  • I started with size 12 and 14 pants. My "new" pants are all size 8. And definitely today....they feel like they are sitting too low. Despite me chaperoning a camp last week where the ladies put the main two stachy items on my plate and I only got to pick veggies and dessert. Glad I got the pants from a thrift shop! Looks like I will need to go back in a couple of weeks for smaller.