Women 5'4 - 5"5 with results + Pictures

So while I was going through the success stories today, I noticed a couple threads that were awesome and great for visual motivation. These were success posts of women with height of 5'0 - 5'3 and 5'6 - 5'7, though I am close to these heights, it would be great to see results and read on success of those "closer to home". There were a couple but have been inactive for a bit.
This journey is not an easy one - I find each time I have started with the greatest intentions of "keeping with it this time", there was always something that took me off the rails, but with Spring here I sat and looked at each tool that helps to give me that extra push - my want - motivation - plan - accountability.
I have recommitted to a lifestyle change and though I don’t have endless amt of money for a gym I am going to use the tools I have, with myfitnesspal being one of the biggest to get tools, tips, push, and motivation. I know it can be done and with me being such a visual person seeing that others have and are doing it, helps to know I can do the same!
myfitnesspal will be my daily read and log.

Can we help each other out by posting some goals reached and current progression?


  • Heya! That picture's kinda old ;) This is the last update that I have:


    I should probably take more recent ones. Buttt, this is me from 2 weeks ago at a friend's wedding:


    Did you achieve this just by using MFP?
    I use MFP to track calories, and that's about it. I use another website to find out my maintenance and cutting calorie magic numbers are. Also followed a couple of lifting routines floating around in the web. :)

    What would be your top 3 tips?
    1. Be consistent in your workouts.
    2. Be patient, because transformations don't happen overnight - not even weeks. Maybe months, maybe years.
    3. See the bigger picture! You might slip back sometimes and gain a couple of pounds from a holiday, a long binge, or whatever. But you've already lost so much, and gaining a bit back doesn't mean you suck or you've lost at this weight loss thing. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Just get back on track. <3
  • I've posted this before, but it fits here. :)

    5'4. Left - 176lbs, size 14. Right - 123lbs, size 4. 53lbs difference.
    best.png 255.8K
  • Great job everyone!!! I need all the support I can get to lose those last 25 pounds! I'll cheer you on if you kick me when I whine! Lol
  • I want to lose 50-60 more pounds! oxt2pfiwrtrx.jpg
  • hmm33502 wrote: »
    Before: 327 lbs
    After: 248 lbs
    Still almost 100lbs to go, but there is progress!
    I realize that I look happier in the befor pictures, but that is not the case! I have issues with "mirror selfies" and was just taking the pic to show my sisters my new outfit! I am much happier now and it is not only weight related.60jze096gx8x.jpg

    I keep coming back to your pictures, you look so great, you are inspiring me! Thank you for posting these, it helps when I get discouraged to see what others have accomplished.
  • 250 to 198. I still have about 50 more to go, but it's a start! I'm 5'4". Size 22 to a size 12 (though, i'm squeezed into a size 10 in the after photo!)

    Thanks for sharing these, you look fantastic!

  • te8vyx8jalfb.jpg

    Ah! Can't believe I am posting these lol!!! So awkward.
    Before: 195 pounds (4 weeks postpartum)
    Progress: 145 pounds
    Height: 5'5"
  • rnwnjbyypbc5.jpg

    I'm 5'4
  • te8vyx8jalfb.jpg

    Ah! Can't believe I am posting these lol!!! So awkward.
    Before: 195 pounds (4 weeks postpartum)
    Progress: 145 pounds
    Height: 5'5"

    Wow such a difference, you look great! Well done!
    My starting weight was similar to yours but I'm about 15lbs away from where you are now!.
    Hoe long did it take you? What was your regime?
  • Inspiring job every single one of you! @IrenaKaraman
    Would you mind sharing your weight? I still look like your first, but am heading towards (hopefully) the second. What training exercise do you do?
  • rnwnjbyypbc5.jpg

    I'm 5'4

    Great job, well done! Envious of your flat tummy!
    Would you mind sharing your stats? Starting/Current Weight and how long it took?
  • inspirational
  • 1mgfxkugssui.jpg
    on the left is me at 210# and the right is me this morning at 154# :)
  • Inspirational one and all. Thanks for sharing.
  • BioQueen wrote: »
    I posted a while back and I am down another 6 pounds, but I took a photo last night that compares well with another I had taken a few years ago, so here it is!

    Sorry they are not in order - the two pics that are ~170 I am not entirely sure how correct that is, but my highest weight was 181 and those two pictures are probably between 165-175 pounds. I would love to stress for everyone to take real progress photos, I am so sad I didn't.


    Wow! Are you 5'4"? I definitely don't look as slim as you at 132. You look beautiful.
  • rnwnjbyypbc5.jpg

    I'm 5'4

    Great job, well done! Envious of your flat tummy!
    Would you mind sharing your stats? Starting/Current Weight and how long it took?

    Thank you, thank you!
    Before was in May 2013- 78kg & after is October 2014 55kg but I must say that weight loss was done in 1 year, since then I just kept my ideal weight with 2-3kg variation up & down. So it's been 22kg/48lbs in 12 months. I work in restaurant, constantly around food so I messed it up along the way few times. That's why I took so long.
    First 13kg(8 months) I did only weight watchers & later I started to train with PT 3x week.
    I always get compliments for my belly, appears flat but I have good layer of fat there... It's just nicely shaped let's say, hard to explain. I'm on diet here right now just for that, I have six pack under it & I'm trying to lower fat % so it can finally be visible. I'm not sure if I will make but it's not end of the world if I don't. I'm apreciative already that I managed to fix myself back how I used to be
  • Inspiring job every single one of you! @IrenaKaraman
    Would you mind sharing your weight? I still look like your first, but am heading towards (hopefully) the second. What training exercise do you do?

    Thank you! I appreciate it!
    I started with 78kg & it took me a year to lose 22kg. Second pic is 55 or 56kg. Second pic was taken 1.5yr later but I've been like that for sure 6months already.
    I do have good body shape by nature because in my early 20's I looked exactly the same without entering gym. I had abs just by itself. Did nothing about it. Now I was with weight watchers only first 8 months & after I started to train with PT 3x week. My journey started exactly 2yrs ago- may 2013. While in losing weight phase I did a lot circuit training & later moved more to lifting. Last 8 months I started to train 6x week. Still with pt 3x lifting & on my own I do different things. I include extra leg day + something interesting I find on bodyrockTV facebook page ( mostly HIIT) or I use Nike training app ( it's free!). I do a lot exercises with just body weight. Options are endless & I mix different things a lot beside my standard lifting routine.
    Hope this helps u a bit! If you want, add me on friends list & we can keep in touch! I love to help if I can!
  • arditarose wrote: »
    BioQueen wrote: »
    I posted a while back and I am down another 6 pounds, but I took a photo last night that compares well with another I had taken a few years ago, so here it is!

    Sorry they are not in order - the two pics that are ~170 I am not entirely sure how correct that is, but my highest weight was 181 and those two pictures are probably between 165-175 pounds. I would love to stress for everyone to take real progress photos, I am so sad I didn't.


    Wow! Are you 5'4"? I definitely don't look as slim as you at 132. You look beautiful.

    Thank you! I am 5'5"
  • te8vyx8jalfb.jpg

    Ah! Can't believe I am posting these lol!!! So awkward.
    Before: 195 pounds (4 weeks postpartum)
    Progress: 145 pounds
    Height: 5'5"

    WOW. I'm just going to say it, @angelfire287 .... I'm pretty jealous. You look amazing!! Well done :smile:

  • te8vyx8jalfb.jpg

    Ah! Can't believe I am posting these lol!!! So awkward.
    Before: 195 pounds (4 weeks postpartum)
    Progress: 145 pounds
    Height: 5'5"

    WOW. I'm just going to say it, @angelfire287 .... I'm pretty jealous. You look amazing!! Well done :smile:
