itsmeGennie wrote: » @prettywingss04 You should start at the very first post.You can not spot reduce - meaning if your stomach/abs/middle is protruding because of fat there, you would have to lose overall fat on your body because your body doesn't discriminate. It just burns the nearest fat cell. Blame your mom for the distribution of fat cells. You can make your middle "tighter" and more firm by doing core exercises and have a strong core BUT if you have a layer of fat over your muscles, then you probably won't see your work How long have you been eating clean and exercising? What kind of exercising do you do? If you want to maintain your proportion as you have it, start weight training 3x/wk and do a little cardio to burn some fat How many calories do you eat now? If you want to maintain your weight, then no you shouldn't cut your calories but if you want to take my advice in the first bullet point, I would do a deficit of 20% and start from there How have you been eating clean if you don't know how much you eat? Clean eating is not only the actual things you eat but also your portions. You should figure that out ASAP. Use a food scale to figure out a meal plan to reach your calorie goal. Make sure your protein is spread out over the day (have some at every meal You should take body measurements - get a measuring tape and take measurements of waist, hips and each thigh. I wouldn't use the scale because they are all liars. You ThiNK you haven't seen results but it's because you havent been paying attention. If you lost an inch, it'd be hard to see with the naked eye. Get an objective view. Also, take pictures to see progress but take them every 2 weeks. in 4 weeks being consistent, you should see visible results. hth
IamAddictedtoCoconuts wrote: » Hahaha i read "Stomach" as "Sandwich", clicked immediately and became disappointed when i re read and saw "stomach"