How to use the Spam, Abuse and Report Flags

nova Posts: 21 MFP Staff
edited September 6 in News and Announcements

3 Different types of Flags and How to Use Them: 


Use this flag to report BOT-style spam; this flag is not for human user-generated content. If a person is advertising (i.e. buy my great new product), please use the Reported Posts flag.


Use this flag to report extreme abuse of our guidelines, such as posting pornographic images or hate speech. Items marked for abuse should be both severe and urgent.


Use this flag to let us know about posts that violate our Community Guidelines or ask us to delete your post. Every post that is reported goes into a Reported Posts queue that is reviewed by staff or moderators. This content is not hidden while it's in review.

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Spam and Abuse Flags

5 flags will automatically move that content into the spam or abuse queues for review by our mods or staff. Items in these queues are hidden until they are either approved by a mod, which will return the content to the community without further action, deleted, or if this is bot-style spam, those users will be banned from posting.

What happens when a user abuses the flag feature?

Users who flag content that does not meet the criteria for a flag will be subject to warnings and points. This includes users who are flagging content due to past events gone sour, a dislike of the user, and those who are trying to incite drama, flame-bait or are flagging to attack another user in a thread due to disagreement.

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