Testing BBCode Fix

Betty Posts: 114 Member
edited May 2021 in Challenges
Protocol: Ban, set to troll, and tag staff to delete account immediately.
  • jtexasflood - deleted in admin - no user found in Vanilla
  • TastesLikeBurning - deleted in admin - troll in Vanilla - 1 warning 2014
  • P_O_O_P - deleted in admin - troll in Vanilla - 1 warning 2014
  • asflatasapancake - deleted in admin - - troll in Vanilla - 9 warnings 2015
  • All_U_Can_Eat - deleted in admin - troll in Vanilla
  • Pitching_Tents - deleted in admin - troll in Vanilla
  • stexasflood - scammer in admin - no user found in Vanilla - might be his wife/girlfriend
  • _shart_ - scammer in admin - troll in Vanilla
  • Spotted_Cow - scammer in admin - troll in Vanilla - 1 warning 2016
  • Big_Gulps_Huh - active in admin - banned in Vanilla in May 2016
  • Pig_Vomit - active in admin - new account, active in 2018. So now he’s banned site wide.
[*] Clever_User_Name[30+ accounts] - (Pic here) - (deleted accounts) - BenRuff, BowlingForHollars, BowlingForHollers, BuBu_KittyFk, Burrito_Bandito, BurritoPlatonic, Carb_N_Fiber, CARBnFIBER, ChiseledFromCheese, DukeOfSquirrel, Dummy_Pants, Elder_Price, Fix_It_Feenix, GottaDoItAgain719, Hawk_Hogan, Jiddiest, jiddy2, jiddy3, Michigan_Middleweight, PHI21LAR14, RChamberlain2, Sagacious_T, Shirtless_Joe_Jackson, ShirtlessJoeJackson, sixpackofawesomesauce, Sneaky_Peet, StarWarzzzz, TeejTwoPointOh, Tenebrous_D, thaddeusshaw, The_Inedible_Hulk, TheAlphaAndTheOmega, WannabeNomad2019, Will_Run_4_Food, Artificially_Sweeet, KickTheSky, NoTrackStar, Marquis_Marq
[*] competecompetecompete[14 accounts] - (Pic here) - (deleted accounts) - BbbChad, Bbg340, Bbg340340, Bennysammysofiesdad, Compete3x, competeagain, Compete4x, competeagain4x, competebasketballcamps, competeballpythons, competeballpythons1, Jiujitsu2, jiujitsusuperpower, LoveofSports, Lovetocompete, Terpdad, Terpdad75
[*]DonutEatThat (changed her username to Glazed_and_Confused) (Pic here) - (deleted accounts) - DonutEatThatFatty, Glazed_and_Confused, FoSchnitzel, gryff1n, gryff1n1, Kace_K, kace_kay, oxygenz, shaketyshake, SheaBoi, skittykat11. All are deleted except current account (scammer/troll/banned - mfp2231). Also linked to petersonje88 (Nova is pretty sure this is a different member) (Part of the bad kids group ban)
[*] ejinvt[20 accounts] - (Pic here) - (deleted accounts) - 2big_, bigpoppa_, brian_w7, brotein_shake7, dannylovessandy, dirty_pink_shorts, effing_steve, ericjohn2, hfystehsydghd, jimmy_down, left_blank, LisaMFP99, mypitchisperfect, naughtybynature_, nbn52899, patrick_star_trek, schrute_beets, too_much_bacon, total_e, wills_myth
[*] gearfreegains - [92+ accounts] (the drunk homophobic poster) - (Pic here)
_con_queso, _kykypyza, _RidgelineWorkouts_, _Ryder, _ShortbusGangster, 2_cents, 12reps, a10382748, a10383748, areyougonnago, BalkanExpress, Blue_Ridge_Fitness, Cedars_of_Lebanon, ChernobylAthleticsDepartment, ChernobylAthleticsDept, ChernobylAthleticsDPT, Chicken_n_Rice, chinesetakeout2, chopshop_, Chopshop__, chopshop501, chopshop99, con_queso, con_queso_, conqueso98, Consistency_is_the_secret_, Count_Cockula, encore1234, flexfitness581, foodontheplate, gear_free_gains, gearfree_fitness, gear_free_training, gearfree____gains, gearfree__gains, gearfree_gains, gearfree_training, gearfreefitness, gillylucky_13, GimiliTheGreat, Health_is_my_wealth, Health_is_my_wealth, Heavy_Haul, HighIntellectLawman, hooniganracing, keeptruckin1000, keeptruckin2, keeptruckin3, LeBeardedBorrachoMentallyChallengedCriminal, Mike_Kolmel, Mr__Limuzin, Mr_Limuzin, Mr_Limuzin_, MrLimuzin, Mycoxafloppin, natty___or_not, natty__or__not, natty__or_not, natty_or__not, natty_or_not, NoFly_Zone, nogeartoday, nonamewesley2, nonamewilliam, nonamewilliam1, nonamewilliam3, nope19, nutritionfirst1, Nuts_and_Bolts, Nuts_and_Bolts_, Nuts_and_Bolts__, nutz_and_boltz, Oaks_Of_Mordor, outdrivinaround, pollywantachocolate, RepItOut_99, RepItOut99, Richard_Cranium, Richard_Cranium_, SchoolOfHardKnocks, Seryoga_Limuzin, Seryoga_Limuzin, Seryoga_Limuzin_, SeryogaLimuzin, SeryogaLimuzin, ShortbusGangster, ShortbusGangster__, slumdogthousandaire, SordidSauron, sweetdreamsaremadeofthese, the_conspicuous_quesadilla, the_quesadilla_conspiracy, tryagain8, Uummmmm, WeWentFar, whuuuuut, Buy1Get1Free, GearFree_Gainz, GearFreeGainz, FalafelHouse, TheyseemeTrollin, Tranetolookgoodneked, 1550155. EasternEuropa. Suspected linked to Flex__Fitness (deleted), FlexPavilion (banned), and _Preach_ (banned)
[*] GnothiSeauton23[7 accounts] - (deleted accounts) - 0Clucks2Give, always_electron_deficient, CharDee_MacDennis, holy_like_harambe, tiny_rick, ToErosIsHuman
[*] happimess1[23 accounts] - (deleted accounts) - aesthetikk, Almostperfectt, assthetik, assthetikk, beardfarms, fatfreesince93, hapimes1, hapimess1, happimes1, happimess1, happimess12, happimess3, happimess4, hubba_hubbba, kissmeirene, lonefatwolf, sam308lbs, Sam308lbss, samar98765, sandysam7, sandythespartan, V0lver
[*] JLAJ81[15 accounts] - (Pic here) - (deleted accounts) - DianaPrinceDET, EyeLoveCake, GalBundy, iJoshie, JALJ81, JLAJ81, LYsweetnessWY, MrSelfDepri, MrVictim, PleaseDontBanMe, Pretentious_Loser, TheJerkFace, TheSquareJaw, ThisIsNotJosh81, Trollin4Bawls -- not linked yet, but we think is the same user: – [14 accounts] - BenHearTehHoleTyme, bhutstough, BrillauntDisguys, BrokenFather, CatsIVue, HelloThere81, itwentthere, LeftOnRed, McWeakFace, SmellsGood, TheMustached, TheSquanchyOne, TheWeakFace, YourDayLily
[*] irishiwasfitter - (Pic here) - callhermoonchild, fitfairy1992, lelebandicoot, leolova21britney, soapbox_19, taurusmermaidx, hellopineapples, fitnessflawrtz, ayeeeeeeok
[*] jojomariemfp - (Pic here) - changed her name to Leeanre after being warned. (deleted) angela4332, angierena4332, Leeanre (active) anglee4332, leerena1973, jessesmommfp, LivLogan69, jojogotitgoinon, mothertucker2020
[*] LosinMama66 - this member has over 100 accounts so I'm not going to list them all. Will list a few relevant usernames. She's different, we set to scammer and troll, it's the only way we can slow her down. rkgray66, MzGray2U, RKG85, BrndNewMe2016, rhondaallisongray, rkg1966, CrazyDoxieMom, LuvMyDoxie17, lilbrownlongdogmom1, healthynewme17, clientdiva4u, caymanbound109, Tryn2Lose4Me66