Couple of questions from a newbie

Good evening all :smile:
Only five days in using MFP which I think is great - just wish I'd found it sooner. Using this combined with a pre-prepared eating plan that I add too. So here's my question - seen lots of posts re macros which I think (could be wrong) are the carb/fat/protein ratios - could someone please tell me where I'd find this - somewhere on the food page?

Secondly managed to stay under my calorie count but definitely noticing I easily consume the carbs and sugar. Tonight after exceeding my carb goal (know what not to do now) I feel rather bloated - is that overdoing the carbs? And as someone not a vegetarian but prefer the veg options how can I up my protein?

Any help would be much appreciated. Feel like I've landed in a whole new world lol.
