Anyone else out there suffering with Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis

I'm sure there are other groups or discussions on this already, so if you know of some, go ahead and point me in the right direction. I'm Amanda, I'm 28 and was diagnosed with Crohn's about 2 months ago. I've had stomach issues for a looong time though and just didn't ever really think my problems were "abnormal". I finally started seeing my family doc in January, he couldn't figure out what was going on. Saw a gastroenterologist and he did a CT scan and colonoscopy to see the inflammation that I've got going on. I've been in a flare-up for months. Some days are good, some days are bad. I hate that there isn't a specific diet plan for people that suffer from these diseases, so was curious about what certain foods people had found that caused flare-ups or made things worse maybe? I've figured out popcorn, for sure. Some beans seem okay, but black beans and white beans for sure do a number on me. Broccoli but more so gas cramps and pain. Alcohol definitely, but I've not yet kicked that habit. Those are the big ones right now. If anyone else wants to join in, any information is appreciated :)


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    nuts...berries with seeds (chocolate covered strawberries *cry*), whole grain bread with the seeds in them, popcorn, corn, super spicy, some tomato based products but not ketchup. This is what I have noticed. I also avoid greasy foods or have in small amounts, ie grilled chicken over fried or a hamburger. It is different for every person.
    Oh yes, tomato sauces I cannot do at all!! So no pizza :( Unless it's sauce-free, but even then, I've got a touch of lactose intolerance so it's hit or miss. I haven't had nuts since the diagnosis, but I used to eat salads with walnuts or pecans and lots of fruit with seeds. I miss those!!!