SAHM Motivation Busted

I have been doing so well in the last 6 months since delivering our third kidlet. The first 4 months was just watching what I ate, the last 2 I have actually been hitting the gym 5-6 days a week. Then a viral sickness hits the household, and it all goes out the window. Now I'm struggling to get my motivation back. It's been 6 days since I logged or went to the gym. Argh! I have to figure this all out and get back to where I was.


  • A virus can make us all crap out sometimes. Along with having the kidlet plus two and other required duties of life, a virus can put us in a place where we're just feeling wiped out before even starting - even after you're over the illness. How about hitting the gym 2-3 days, rather than 5-6, just to get something going? If you enjoyed the gym for those 2 months, you'll soon find yourself getting back to where you want to be simply because it makes you feel better. You said it yourself: "If I don't focus on myself, how will I take care of everyone else?" Maybe not much of a pep talk, but I hope you do get back out there and do whatever it is you enjoy.
  • yes, I agree with the above. It takes some time to get to feeling back to normal after a sickness runs through the family. It can be physically and mentally exhausting, especially on top of all the other things that have to be done to run a household. You'll get your motivation back. Just start with baby steps and before you know you will be back on track. You may have to push yourself the first day or two, but then you will remember how good it felt and the motivation will return.
  • I am one of those people that struggled like that as well. For example, i'd be super motivated and working out every week consistently and then i'd miss just ONE day and i could never get back into it.

    For me, what works is having a commitment where i HAVE to go back (i.e. a training session, a session with a friend) and then it's smooth sailing again.
  • Thankfully, I haven't come down with it. Yet. Kid #3 started it, Kid #1 was next (last night) and Kid #2 just woke up with her fever. I told my husband I'm running away. lol If I can just get everyone healthy, it will be no problem getting back to the gym.

    Top it off Husband's grandma is going to pass any day now. I feel so sorry for him, first loss that he has ever had to deal with in his family. I told him to go home solo this weekend to see her, but he feels sorry leaving me with the kids (Um, hi. SAHM...) I told him if it were my Gma I'd have no problem leaving him here with them!

    At this point, I just need everyone healthy and alive by next Wednesday for PreK Graduation. Then we can all fall apart again.