JUNE 20th goal - Wedding!!

I have 44 days to lose the max amount of weight I can. My wedding is JUNE 20th and I want to lose weight and gain confidence. I'm currently 207 pounds my goal is to eventually be 150 I know it's going to take time but I want to try my hardest to lose for my wedding .


  • Ha ha, no.

    That's about six weeks. Even at a fairly fast (but safe) rate of weight loss, you can plan on two pounds per week. So you might be able to lose 12 pounds, if you are lucky. You will not lose 57 pounds by your wedding date.

    You have a lovely, curvy shape as you are. Focus on what the day is really about and don't worry about the number on the scale.
  • Ha ha, no.

    That's about six weeks. Even at a fairly fast (but safe) rate of weight loss, you can plan on two pounds per week. So you might be able to lose 12 pounds, if you are lucky. You will not lose 57 pounds by your wedding date.

    You have a lovely, curvy shape as you are. Focus on what the day is really about and don't worry about the number on the scale.

    I didn't read OP as she thought she would lose it all by her wedding date...but just that she wanted to lose as much as she could by then. I can see where you could interpret it that way though.

    Regardless, I agree, shoot for a reasonable goal by your wedding day, and enjoy it. No one, I repeat, NO ONE will give two flying figs about how much the bride weighs on her wedding day. She'll be beautiful and the center of attention...as it should be.
  • With all due respect, how long have you known this date was coming?

    I have to say that although you might have some extra weight, you carry it really well! I would love to have those curves!

    Just focus on starting what you can expect to be a long process of weight loss, done the healthy way. You'll probably drop a few pounds before the wedding, but a few pounds can make a big difference in your appearance.

    BTW, congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • Don't forget that once you have your final dress fitting you'll have to maintain so it doesn't get un-fit again!
    Congrats on your wedding though, and I hope you see great success!
  • You are absolutely adorable, and will be stunning on your wedding day no matter if you lose a few pounds or not :) Since you only have 7 pounds to reach "Onederland" I would just shoot for 1 or 2 pounds a week and delight in the knowledge I was under 200 when I got married. Don't forget to enjoy every moment leading up to your special day <3
  • Congratulations on your wedding!!!! It's the day before my wedding anniversary. You have a beautiful shape lovely lady, I personally wouldn't stress too much about weight loss before the wedding, you'll have enough on your plate already.
  • Since you only have 7 pounds to reach "Onederland" I would just shoot for 1 or 2 pounds a week and delight in the knowledge I was under 200 when I got married. Don't forget to enjoy every moment leading up to your special day <3

    Ditto! By June 20th you could likely manage 12-15 pounds (the first few drop right off).

    If you are anything like me you might lose an additional 5 the week before your wedding. I could barely eat anything I was so nervous/excited. After your wedding resume buckling down. GL & congratulations!
  • Thankyou all and we decided this last month so not a whole long time to prepare I have my dress already and it fits perfect just a little snug around my stomach/gut. It's kind of a run away wedding our of state with our immediate family and our daughter right with us. So far I've lost 3 pounds since last week so I'm getting somewhere..
  • Front view 93so6lf8pdze.jpg
  • You certainly do not look like 207 pounds. I agree with everyone else... you already look good and a few pounds wont make a difference. You really can't lose that much in 44 days. Congrats on your wedding. I hope you have a wonderful marriage.
  • I have 44 days to lose the max amount of weight I can. My wedding is JUNE 20th and I want to lose weight and gain confidence. I'm currently 207 pounds my goal is to eventually be 150 I know it's going to take time but I want to try my hardest to lose for my wedding .

    Do you have a specific question?

    Aim to lose no more than 2 lbs a week. Eat the calories MFP tells you. Take measurements besides just weighing yourself. Read the stickied posts in the forums. Log as accurately as you can- a lot of people find it super helpful to weigh their food. I find it helpful to pre log my whole day. Get enough protein, fats and fiber to help you feel satisfied. Drink water.

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. :)
  • Thanks everyone! Just being honest 207 is my weight I don't want to be doshonest I want to be truthful with myself so when I really do lose weight