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Any Moms Feel Guilty Exercising?
I'm a part-time working Mom of three and I always feel guilty working out since that takes precious time away from my family. One thing I'm doing to overcome this guilt is by forcing myself to exercise at 5 AM, while everyone is still asleep. It's so hard, especially after a night of multiple baby disturbances!
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I used to, but then realized my "me" time is just as important as my family time. Not that it's possible for everyone, but I made a home gym so I didn't have to go anywhere to work out. My kids are a little older though, and don't need as much attention as an infant.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Taking care of your health is a benefit for your family too. Everyone need some time for themselves, and there's no point exhausting yourself and making yourself sick.
I really don't. My health and happiness has a direct impact on the health and happiness of my family. Being a mom doesn't mean everyone else in my family always comes first. I'm still a person, deserving time, effort and attention.
Oh heck yeah and I get up at 4:45 almost every day to get a small workout in. I don't have enough time to do everything I want but it's better than nothing.
I would try to involve my 3 yo in my nightly exercise, then my husband changed to night shift at work and I lost that time. I asked daycare about dropping both my girls off 1 hour earlier in the morning so I could workout before work, it was only $8/week more. So, now I exercise for 30-40 minutes in the morning. I do feel guilty dropping them off at daycare and going back home to exercise but I need it for my sanity and health.
Hey what about us Dad's? My kids are a little older, but I still feel a little guilty when I have to leave them home at night alone, or if I'm not able to make it to a practice, because I want to get to the gym for me. It's not easy, but you have to make time for what is best for you. In the long run it is what is best for everyone!
I workout at night after the kids go to bed but yeah, I often feel guilty because that time could be used to clean or do laundry but I figure I need to exercise for my own mental health and if I'm not mentally feeling good then I will be a worse mom for it.
No. Everyone needs some me time. I put my kids in babysitting at my gym and they get social interaction with other kids while I work out. Or, I take them with me to walk (6 year old on a bike, baby in a stroller). Or, you can just do a sport with the kids and that's exercise for everyone too!
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