Eat lunch at Hospital cafeteria

I have been eating lunch at my local hospital cafeteria a lot lately (it is open to the public). As an example, today's lunch was a chicken breast franchese (whatever that means it tasted good), green beans oregano, and roasted zucchini. Total calories: 285 and it tasted great, and it was less than $5 for the meal. Check it out if you are looking for a healthy alternative to fast food.


  • Willfully eat hospital food? :s
  • The last time I was in the hospital (2013), they did not have anything like what you are describing. I remember eating pancakes and chicken strips.

    Driving to the hospital, parking in the ramp, making my way through the building to the cafeteria.....this seems like it would take up a lot of time.
  • Unknown
    edited May 2015
    I loved the food when I was in the hospital after having my daughter. They had a great menu. I never went into the cafeteria but the food for inmates patients was good :)
  • I work in a hospital so quite often have to eat the food, and it's the most unhealthy mess of processed crap ever. Sometimes i think mcDonalds does a better job at serving food.
  • I've worked in a hospital and the food there was actually pretty great. The shifts were twelve to sixteen hours long so I sometimes ate breakfast lunch and dinner there. They even had chefs come in and make steaks and chicken meals.
  • JenAndSome wrote: »
    Willfully eat hospital food? :s

  • I stayed in the hospital for two weeks in January and thought the lunches and dinners were pretty good (breakfast was usually just reheated pancakes and crap). The nutrition staff would come by and ask us patients what we wanted from the menu that day. My family complained about the cafeteria.

    The living facility I was moved to for a few weeks afterward however... their food was awful. God, the spinach was the saltiest pos.
  • Hospital food, like airline food, is highly dependent on the specific organization where it's obtained. I'm sure OP is lucky enough to have a nearby hospital with a cafeteria that serves good and healthy food (and I'm so jealous).
  • Oh god. I was in the hospital for a couple days about 3 weeks ago. The food was horrible. Flavorless green beans that were boiled in plain water, overcooked grilled chicken that was soaked in vinegar for some odd reason, french toast with no sugar, scrambled eggs that tasted like they were boiled in water, potatoes that weren't even fully cooked.

    After two disgusting meals, I just kept ordering chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese. Can't screw that up.
  • jemhh wrote: »
    I loved the food when I was in the hospital after having my daughter. They had a great menu. I never went into the cafeteria but the food for inmates patients was good :)

    Me too! Bearclaws for breakfast. Turkey and stuffing for supper. It was great.