Coffee While Dieting - Yes, or No???

I have read recently of the negative effects of drinking coffee while trying to lose body fat. When I drink it, it's usually about 4 cups per day, and I use Sugar Free Coffee Mate (French Vanilla, Hazelnut). It's low-carb, low-sugar, and low-calorie.
So, do I need to cut out my coffee cold turkey?
Or, should I just cut out the Sugar Free Coffee Mate?


  • I don't think you need to cut out either. Just account for the calories in your logging.
  • I don't think you need to cut out either. Just account for the calories in your logging.

  • I don't think you need to cut out either. Just account for the calories in your logging.

    Yes, this exactly. Count and log all that creamer. Even if it is low calorie at 4 cups of coffee a day, it will add up.
  • drink the coffee black if you can to save calories for food
  • I think people underestimate the calories in their loaded coffees...double-double here in Canada, or a Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks (500 cals).

    Your low calorie coffee works; continue to enjoy it.
  • I'm also facing the coffee drink it, or not to drink it??? Looking at several "clean eating" style diets, I was surprised to find some say coffee is ok/good, while others say NO to coffee. One said coffee caused inflamation, and didn't want you to even have decaf. But what can I my coffee. I gave up creamer 2 yrs ago, and now I've switched from the usual artificial sweeteners to only organic I decided that is enough change and I'm still going to drink my coffee. Usually 2-3 cups per day, but like I cream, just stevia & caffeine. :-)
  • I don't know why drinking coffee would hinder weight loss if it fits your calorie goals. I drink one cup a day with half & half and I'm losing just fine. Don't mess with my coffee!
  • I drink coffee every and all morning - still losing :) Like the creamer. I put almond milk in mine to help cut the unnecessary cals.
  • I probably drink 6 or 7 cups of coffee a day and I've been loosing. Log it and you will be fine.
  • What are the negative effects you read?

    I find it's a decent appetite suppressant. But even if it weren't, it's like no calories black, and I love it much.
  • Coffee coffee coffee javajavajavajava...I partake in a cup...or 5. But I like mine black. Hasn't stopped my weight loss.
  • Just drink it if you like it coffee won't harm your weight loss.

    Just out of pure curiosity (because little short of death will part me from my coffee) what is so bad about coffee and/or coffee mate?
  • I cut creamer down, but I could never cut it out. When I am at home, I don't need it, I fresh grind beans and the coffee is good enough that it doesn't need anything. But the swill they serve at work....definitely need it for that lol.

    To answer your question, just make sure you log it. Nothing wrong with coffee.
  • I have about four cups a day and seem to still be able to lose. Like others have said, if you log any creamer calories, you should be fine.
  • I'm drinking coffee right now! 2 sweet and lows, and 2 TBSP of half and half. Hasn't hindered anything! I do log it all though!
  • what negatives? it's the GOAT beverage when cutting, no cals + energy + mild appetite suppression
  • why on earth would coffee HINDER a diet??? caffeine has a wonderful metabolic effect. i couldn't dream of dieting with no coffee.
  • I like my coffee creamy and not incredibly hot. So a tbsp or 2 of anything doesn't cut it for me. I use 1/4-1/2 cup (depending on the size of my mug) of unsweetened Vanilla almond milk and splenda.
  • With coffee the answer is always yes.

  • I drink several cups. I have my primary cup with my breakfast. I put one tbsp heavy cream, one tbsp butter, one tbsp coconut oil, one tbsp sugar-free creamer and two tbsp whipped cream. I sweeten with liquid stevia. It keeps me full for most of the day, which is wonderful.