asflatasapancake wrote: » My birthday is today. I've kept 75 pounds off for over a year now.
davesgalforever wrote: » asflatasapancake wrote: » My birthday is today. I've kept 75 pounds off for over a year now. Congrats!
agartin wrote: » ermahgerd. My birthday is in june and while I like the nickname JuneBug, I hate.. HATE june bugs. Or water beetles, whatever they may be known as where you live. I think they fall first, then roaches, then mosquitos in my hate list. Because they are so dumb. They will literally fly right into you, then their little spikes on their legs get caught on your clothes or hair, and when you go to knock them off you usually break one of their tiny legs off in the process... *cringe*
dendysill wrote: » agartin wrote: » ermahgerd. My birthday is in june and while I like the nickname JuneBug, I hate.. HATE june bugs. Or water beetles, whatever they may be known as where you live. I think they fall first, then roaches, then mosquitos in my hate list. Because they are so dumb. They will literally fly right into you, then their little spikes on their legs get caught on your clothes or hair, and when you go to knock them off you usually break one of their tiny legs off in the process... *cringe* Yes!!! I had one fly into my hair right by my ear, I almost beat my own head in trying to get it out. Horrible! On topic: I can't stand above you threads.
dotsoflisa wrote: » asflatasapancake wrote: » My birthday is today. I've kept 75 pounds off for over a year now. Happy Birthday and good job!!
Carpedieznutz wrote: » I was given an award and teddy bear as a child, from the police department for helping to catch a serial rapist.