jaqcan wrote: » I'm not sure it's baby weight anymore, they're 13 and 7. But I'm still working on it!
kamakazeekim wrote: » I have a 6 and 3 year old...spend the majority of both pregnancies on bed rest and we're currently trying for #3! I'm 10 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight. I've lost about 135 pounds in the past 18 months.
Kyleekendrick93 wrote: » kamakazeekim wrote: » I have a 6 and 3 year old...spend the majority of both pregnancies on bed rest and we're currently trying for #3! I'm 10 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight. I've lost about 135 pounds in the past 18 months. Amazing job ! What keeps you so motivated !?
MsTinaSays wrote: » Hi There, Feel free to add me... I'm a mum of two 7,6 . I'm very encouraging and fitness is part of my daily life. Love it! xoxo Tina
justcat206 wrote: » Yeah, my youngest is almost 5 - I got super lean last summer, but have gained a few pounds back since then. I'm trying to find a good balance between neglecting life to count calories and work out, vs never working out and eating whatever I want.
tlflag1620 wrote: » I'm pregnant with #4 (due in August). I have an 8 year old, a 5 year old, and a soon-to-be 3 year old. I had lost all the weight, and then some, from my first 3 (highest preg weight was 228, got down to 145), then got pregnant again (I have my theories on that, lol). This is working out to be another 45-50 lb pregnancy (seems to happen no matter what I do), so I'll definitely be wanting to shed the extra weight ASAP after baby is born! Feel free to add me. We can do it!